Version 1
- Manage PO Extended attributes in REST API.
- Allow filtering the emaill cc and bcc addresses.
- Updated dev dependencies.
- Refactoring.
- Disabled platform check on composer.
- Fixed missing empty PO properties in API response.
- Fixed deprecated warnings from SASS compiler.
- Added PurchaseOrder API Extender to allow PO PRO statuses in REST API.
- Added eslint config.
- Added filtering by "ID" and "_number" to the default list table search.
- Updated JS dependencies.
- Do not allow to add the same product twice to a PO.
- Prevent using date created field as if the value were in UTC.
- Allow decimals on the PO tax rate field.
- Allow decimals on the PO discount field.
- Bypass some items when adding sales order items to a PO (according to settings).
- Include disabled variations in PO search.
- Ask the user whether to also clone deliveries and invoices when cloning a PO.
- Renamed "atum_partially_receiving" post status.
- Refactoring.
- Disable the "Add Items" button in the "Add to PO" modal until a checkbox is checked.
- Do not restrict the product by supplier if the restriction is disabled from settings.
- Always return a number for the inventory stock when using the "Add to PO" filters.
- Do not show up products with no supplier assigned on the "Add to PO" modal if the option to show them is disabled.
- Prevent adding supplier's data to POs (free version).
- Restrict the supplier's default discount and tax rate up to 2 decimals.
- Restrict the supplier's discount and tax rate up to 2 decimals when changing them through the PO UI.
- Fixed "Add to PO" in the Order list screen not working when HPOS was active.
- Fixed import comments meta key not being saved correctly.
- Fixed validation message positioning on PO modals.
- Fixed PHP 8.2 compatibility.
- Do not show orphan variations in the "Add to PO" modal.
- Avoid adding inventories to the "Add to PO" modal when Mi is disabled for their products.
- Fixed send PO to trash from list table.
- Added new "requires plugins" clause.
- Fixed errors in deliveries and invoices when PO item has a product that doesn't exist.
- Fixed PO functionalities when a product doesn't exist.
- Fixed jQuery deprecations.
- Ensure the product exists before checking if it has MI.
- Refactoring.
- Use the new AtumStockDecimals class.
- Fixed: It could take prev iteration product and item when adding a new order item.
- Fixed wrong ?? operator behaviour.
- Fixed wrong PO id.
- Added create PO from Orders to HPOS list table.
- Include external meta when merging orders.
- Updated sweetAlert2 + modal styling improvements.
- Updated dependencies.
- Set min attribute in qty inputs to avoid division by 0 exception.
- Refactoring.
- Set bulk actions as executed.
- Removed global low stock clause from query if it is not set.
- Updated jQuery types.
- Fixed function not found error.
- Fixed possible error when reading a meta field.
- Fixed missing "Sent" PO status in bulk actions.
- Allow having 2 ATUM list tables on the same page.
- Refactoring.
- Change returning/returned column title when appropriate.
- Update returned ratio cell when changing quantity value in returning POs.
- Fixed inventory quantity input class.
- Fixed wrong items quantities when creating a new returning PO.
- Fixed inventory quantity for returning PO.
- Fixed wrong ordered delivery items count.
- Fixed stock issues when updating status in Returning POs and cancelling POs with refunded items.
- Added PL hook to be able to alter the stock quantity before editing it.
- Added filter to the BOM tree template.
- Added filter to the BOM MI tree template.
- Upgraded to webpack 5.
- Modernized gulpfile.
- Refactoring.
- Required node 18.
- Adjusted gulpfile config to webpack 5.
- Decrease stock for variation products in returning POs.
- Make sure the calculations with possible decimal numbers are done right.
- Fix popover left arrow styles.
- Fixed supplier's code not being saved.
- Show the "add supplier items" feature also when products with no supplier are present.
- Update PO lang when linking a supplier.
- Fixed counter in new PO number.
- Fixed wrong purchase price in "set purchase price" modal.
- Fixed typo.
- WPML: Update PO lang when updating the suplier.
- Fixed PO sequential counters are skipping number.
- Fixed inventory is is shown in the info modal instead of the qty when setting the purchase price.
- Added new hooks to PO PDF templates.
- Moved WPML dropdown + disable it when the PO is not editable.
- Refactoring.
- Avoid type errors on array_sum function.
- Fixed issue when using the get_atum_order_model helper on some sites.
- Fixed returnig POs + MI compatibility.
- Performance improvement: use cache if a PO was already loaded previously.
- Delete the PO PRO addon status transient when upgrading.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed custom PO numbers not being added when creating POs from bulk actions.
- Added icons to ATUM Icon Font.
- Added new hook to the PO top bar.
- Allow multiple help guide markers on the same page.
- Added action after PO Purcharser's info.
- Added new WPML integration class.
- Added language dropdown to POs (full WPML compatibility).
- Only search products in the current PO language.
- Show products PO's language translations if possible.
- Added SQL clauses filters to the add_supplier_items function.
- Add SQL clauses filters to the MI integration for the "add suppliers to PO".
- Added Returning POs feature.
- Added a list of returning POs to the original PO.
- Allow creating returning POs in bulk.
- Added conditional clauses to the PO list row actions.
- Added conditional logic to PDF templates for Returning POs.
- Added the returned qty column to returning POs.
- Uninstall hook refactoring.
- Refactoring.
- Delay the addons integrations until all of them have been loaded.
- Adapted help guides to the new version.
- Improved sticky header bar animation.
- Display invoice/delivery date as local time.
- Include PO item using ATUM load_view function.
- Discount the right number of items when a PO is marked as returned.
- Do not show the clone button on returning POs.
- Focus the first modal input when opening them.
- Calculate totals after creating a returning PO.
- Restrict the returning PO creation when all the items have been already delivered.
- Added lang to SQL sentences and PO in AddToPO class.
- Fixed discounts when adding multi-price inventories to the PO.
- CSS fixes.
- Fixed PO files links when are not images.
- Fix wrongly-constructed SQL query.
- Fixed returning PO creation from the row actions menu.
- Fixed closed state for the PO email modal's auto help guide.
- Fixed pending delivery items counter badge color.
- Avoid PHP notice when an array is empty.
- Fixed minimum version notice message.
- Enqueue the WP editor scripts when have not been enqueued elsewhere.
- Avoid errors if for some reason the TinyMCE script has not been loaded.
- Fixed returned and delivered items functions for MI.
- Fixed the stock available on PO item products with MI enabled.
- Fixed html content in PDF terms and description.
- Fixed wrong number of parameters on a function call.
- CSS fix.
- Added hook to be able to prevent uninstalling tasks.
- Added shipping info from settings to PO PDF export.
- Display WC address info in PDF if Atum addresses are empty.
- Apply description setting to display or hide the notes section in the PDF templates.
- Fixed PO search without PO number metadata.
- Display PO id if PO number doesn't exist (PO Free case).
- Added deactivation tasks.
- Router refactoring.
- Delivery & Invoice PO attribute refactoring.
- Moved HPOS compatibility checker.
- Force displaying country in PO ship-to info.
- Prevent errors when displaying removed products.
- Added support for ATUM trials.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed suplier triggers error if it hasn't a name.
- Fixed is_completed variable not set when displaying the BOM tree.
- Fixed wrap large names in PDF templates.
- Fixed hook name.
- Fixed error when displaying a removed product.
- Fixed wrong number of parameters.
- Exclude adding to PO and IL variation products if they are disabled.
- Removed unused class prop.
- Refactory ListTable array in scripts.
- Updated composer files.
- Updated minimum WC version.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed method calling namespace.
- Fixed "add to invoice" button status when a checkbox is checked.
- Add full compatibility with the new WooCommerce's HPOS tables.
- Updated JS dependencies and require node 16.
- Clean assets dir before compiling.
- Refactoring.
- Added backorders column to Add-to-PO modal.
- Allow updating the purchase price for all the inventories at once from the ATUM tool.
- Refactoring.
- Updated minimum version requirements.
- When getting the low stock supplier products, also check the WC low stock threshold value.
- Fixed inventory item quantity input value for negative stock.
- Fixed unstriped slashes in textarea fields and delivery terms in description fields.
- Fixed array_key_exists() error.
- Fixed add products with low stock having in account the global WC low stock setting.
- Fixed missing main inventories when added lowstock/outofstock/restock products from a supplier to PO items.
- Added the ATUM label to all the location term fields.
- Added thumbnails to the PO PDF.
- Allow enabling/disabling the ability to add products with no supplier assigned to POs with supplier assigned.
- Calculate gross profit value applying PO Pro settings for purchase price.
- Added supplier items to PO by out-of-stock/low-stock/restock-status.
- Added parameters to the after removing item hook.
- Allow settings default values to description and terms when settings/changing the PO supplier.
- Do not show expired inventories when displaying inventories to add.
- Cast values before using them for calculations.
- Attach display extra fields setting values in item template.
- Add delivery calcs to inventories inboud stock.
- Removed the old 'add all the out of stock items' button.
- Recalculate inbound stock when adding/removing delivery items.
- Updated messages and tooltips in add supplier items component.
- Activate tooltips in the add-supplier-items panel.
- Hide the suppliers panel in PO items modals when there aren't suppliers.
- Get rid of manage stock warning icons for MI-enabled product items.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed PO free repeated product items not being included when calculating the inbound stock.
- Fixed columns number in fee/shipping lines.
- Fixed thumbnail column width in PDF.
- Fixed icons in PO PDF.
- Fixed PO columns not being displayed/hidden correctly when the PO sttings aren't saved yet.
- Fixed error when writing a Delivery Location name with spaces.
- Fixed incorrect inventory inbound stock when more than one delivery set.
- Fixed wrong calc inbound stock when creating deliveries.
- Fixed gross profit values for products with MI + multi-price.
- Prevent orphan variations when adding items to a PO.
- Fixed quantity value for new allowing backorders items in Add-To-PO modal.
- Missing inventories when adding oost/low-stock/restock items to PO.
- Prevent adding orphan inventories to PO items modals.
- Minor CSS fixes.
- Added new tool to Add/Deduct taxes to/from purchase prices to all the products at once.
- Added new option to hide/display PO items columns.
- Added the totals row to POs list.
- Format the POs list totals as price.
- Added a date range filter to the POs list table.
- New "Added to stock" column in POs list table.
- Added preview functionality to the POs List Table.
- Show taxes per item in the PO PDFs.
- CSS adjustments.
- Check if items were added to stock in status change script.
- Restore added to stock items when the PO is returned.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed wrong text domain.
- Fixed numeric supplier ID in scripts.
- Fixed removed variables.
- Fixed script that checks whether delivery items and inventories were added to stock.
- Fixed unavailable classes when removing the addon.
- Added thumbnails to the Add to PO modal items.
- Auto-open the PO email modal guide when opened for the first time.
- Added a new field to PO's screen options to be able to switch the status flow restriction at any time.
- Save the PO's status flow restriction when changed and use this value when saved.
- When the supplier is changed on a PO, and there are items belonging to a disctinct supplier, ask whether to get rid of them.
- Save the closed state for the advanced options panel on each PO.
- Allow searching products by using multiple search terms at once.
- Optimize calculate_delivery_items_qtys cache's name.
- Store exchange rate in POs + Allow changing rate at any time.
- Improve loading time when adding inventories to delivery items.
- Show/Hide the exchange rate field depending on the actual PO currency set.
- Improve loading time when readin MI Panel atts.
- Add tooltips to exchange rate fields' currencies.
- Added new filter to be able to edit the last week sales args.
- Auto-select qty inputs' content when focusing them.
- Added PO PRO uninstall method.
- Remove order items from deliveries and invoices when uninstalling and the "delete data" option is enabled".
- Added the "address 2" field to PO's purchaser info details.
- Added the "address 2" to supplier address in PDFs.
- CSS adjustments.
- Show the right messages when removing a PO item if there are related items that should be also removed.
- Cast values befor calculating item discounts.
- Refactoring.
- Chain the supplier data filling and validate supplier items modals.
- Get delivery inventory items qtys' refactoring.
- Cache delivery's calculate_delivery_items_qtys results.
- Added the decimals number data attribute to all the edit popover buttons + preset the decimals to 0 by default.
- Strip trailing zeros from qty values.
- Do confirm that the next PO number to be used is unique before assigning it to any PO.
- Modified inbound list table with deliveried qtys.
- Modified product's inbound stock query to include deliveries.
- Only show the allowed statuses according to the flow on the menu actions from POs list.
- Changed inbound product query.
- Fixed PO numbers on the Inbound Stock list.
- Fixed scroll-to-top issue when opening edit popovers.
- Fixed inventories being assigned to POs automatically when the option was previously enabled.
- Fixed status dropdown's save button not working just after switching the status flow restriction.
- Removed console logs.
- Fixed JSON search products.
- Fixed currency not replaced correctly after changing it more than once.
- Fixed edit popovers not spreading values after changing.
- Fixed slashed apostrophes on emails.
- Fixed item qtys not being considered when adding items if system taxes were disabled from settings.
- Fixed ordering in POs List Table.
- Fixed next PO number indicator on Settings when there is no pattern set yet.
- Fixed wrong datatables name.
- Fixed wrong meta tables used to calculate inbound stock.
- Fixed thumbnail not displayed when adding new items through the AddToPO search box.
- Fixed items being added through the AddToPo modal not added to the created PO(s).
- Fixed change detection modal not displaying when clearing the dicount field.
- Fixed totals not being recalculated after creating a new inventory and adding it to the PO.
- Added from name to PO email.
- Disable the Add Invoice button when there are no more items to invoice.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed inbound stock list table results, showing items already received.
- Do not show the help tip for the Add Delivey button when the status isn't due.
- Fixed PO status flow on the dropdown after changing the PO status programmatically.
- Fixed taxes editing on MI items with multi-price.
- Fixed add-on name.
- Added filter to allow removing email address.
- Added a supplier products restriction option to settings. So this feature can be enabled/disabled.
- Added autogenerate PO number button.
- Allow editing PO numbers manually or auto-generating them.
- Added new option to PO settings to be able to set whether the PP are with taxes inclusive or exclusive.
- Added a currency converter to the Add Item modal when the PO currency is distinct from thr site currency.
- Added buttons to POs list table to be able to print and clone POs directly.
- Added button to be able to add all items to one delivery or invoice at once.
- If there are still no items on the PO and the currency is changed, change at least the totals boxes.
- Auto-save the PO after seleting any PDF template and printing it.
- Refactoring.
- Make sure a product still exists before checking if it has MI enabled.
- Added the min attribute to cost fields on the AddItemModal.
- Restrict the allowed numbers on AddItemModal inputs.
- Don’t show the PO comments actions row if there are less than 2 notes.
- Show a message when the last notification is marked as read.
- Add the supplier's VAT number after their address.
- Use the store details as company details on the PO PDFs.
- Fixed status change failing from bulk actions when the status flow was disabled.
- Bring the selected PDF template to front when clicking over it.
- Fixed PO number previewer not being added after saving the PO settings.
- Fixed escape function.
- Fixed the entries per page custom values not being saved on POs list.
- Fixed swal JS error in SC when using the AddToPO functionality.
- Fixed text color when searching for MI products that were already added to the PO.