Version 1
- Adjust the calculated stock modifiers to the number of decimals.
- Updated eslint config.
- Updated dev dependencies.
- Disabled platform check on composer.
- Prevent sending more than one stock notification per product.
- Fixed deprecated warnings from Sass compiler.
- Added eslint config.
- Allow WooPayments' reduce order stock.
- Updated JS dependencies.
- Reduce stock from linked BOMs when producing items.
- Removed deprecated functions.
- Only reduce the direct linked BOMs stock when producing items.
- Moved the "reduce_bom_tree" method from ProduceItems class to MultiInventory class.
- Fixed "sales last days" to filter by GMT dates.
- Fixed "not enough stock" message when reserving stock.
- Prevent possible errors when flooring float variables.
- Fixed reducing BOMs on produce items process when BOM stock control is disabled.
- Performance improvement: always use indexed dates in SQL queries.
- Added available to purchase only for Main Inventories.
- Added Apple and Google Pay support for BOM products when using the Stripe plugin.
- Refactoring.
- Only add available to purchase in inventories when needed.
- Deactivate parent backorders when the linked BOMs change this field.
- Prevent parent allow backorders when linked BOM change at any level.
- Added missing class namespace.
- Fixed display inline BOM fields at product metaboxes.
- Fixed style for low stock amount wrapper at variation product metaboxes.
- Added new "requires plugins" clause.
- Improved ATUM CLI tools registration.
- Changed script localized var name.
- CSS adjustments.
- Fixed jQuery deprecations.
- Hooks and params added to ProduceItems class for Action Logs.
- Available to purchase column editable for main inventory.
- Added filter to transient params.
- If available to purchase is zero must have same behavior as NULL value.
- Refactoring.
- Use the new AtumStockDecimals class.
- Query only for BOM variations when excluding non sellable variations.
- Extend the PL Reserve Stock class from the new AtumReserveStock.
- Fixed non-existing inventory.
- Fixed available to purchase checking.
- Added new hook to the sync_purchase_prices method.
- Display value for Sellable Variations selector.
- New "Produce items according to BOM" feature.
- Added tooltips to BOM panel list items icons.
- Updated sweetAlert2 + modal styling improvements.
- Updated dependencies.
- Refactoring.
- Show negative values in red for the total in warehouse within linked BOM items.
- Modify hook to prevent hiding variations if MI is not present.
- Bypass BOMs availability check if main inventory is not selected for an order item.
- Fixed code style warnings.
- Fixed committed, shortage and free to use recalculations when changing the linked BOM item qty.
- PHP 8.2 compatibility fix.
- Fixed hide/show pricing fields in BOM products with MI.
- Allow having 2 ATUM list tables on the same page.
- Added JS hook to be able to load other BOM types externally.
- Added more hooks to the BOM panel template.
- Allow linking BOMs in bulk from SC and MC.
- Refactoring.
- Moved the linked BOM template script to a separated view file.
- Handle the linked BOM types from a global method.
- Avoid adding a value to the BOM data input if it has no ID.
- ATUM Cost Price compatibility fix.
- Fixed sync purchase price calculations.
- Fixed display variation stock fields.
- Fixed show out stock threshold field on BOMs with inventories.
- Fixed value for Sellable Variations selector.
- Added hooks to the linked BOMs table.
- Added new UOM column to the linked_boms db table.
- Added UOM support.
- Added hooks to be able to alter the stock quantity externally before updating it.
- Added hooks to be able to alter the calculated stock quantity results externally.
- BOM hierarchy tree improvements.
- Added stock indicator colors and icons to the BOM hierarchy trees.
- Upgraded to webpack 5.
- Modernized gulpfile.
- Added filter to allow altering the BOM cost externally.
- Added hook to allow calculating the BOM cost externally.
- Refactoring.
- Removed unused drag column from linked BOMs table.
- Readjustments for the linked BOMs table.
- Adapted product field names to new WC versions.
- CSS adjustments.
- Pass extra param to order item BOM tree filters.
- Required node 18.
- Refactoring for the BOM cost decimals.
- Adjusted gulpfile config for webpack 5.
- Exclude non-sellable variations from SC.
- Removed deprecated ES6 polyfill support.
- Fixed field names.
- CSS fixes.
- Avoid HTML sanitization on calculated stock field labels.
- Fixed shortage messages on orders BOM trees.
- Fixed get input names to check if product has linked BOMs.
- Fixed "sellable" BOMs' configuration preset.
- Fixed tooltip on total BOM costs after changing their values.
- Avoid decimals precision issues when doing calculations in JS.
- Fixed compact function parameters.
- Fixed save bom_sellable to variables.
- Fixed display oost/low-stock fields in BOM variations.
- Delete the PL addon status transient when upgrading.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed linked boms stock used.
- Fixed the "used for variations" checkbox availability for variable BOMs since WC 7.9 (
- Added icons to ATUM Icon Font.
- Display barcode field in BOM products.
- Added hook for extra content after BOM lists.
- Update order notes after recalculate BOM tree stock.
- Send stock notification for last child BOM.
- Reload updated order notes after recalculating the BOM tree stock.
- Refactoring.
- Avoid warnings on delayed order notes.
- Delay the addons integrations until all of them have been loaded.
- Send BOMs stock emails only if the order item data exists.
- Fixed low stock notifications for low stock amount at the product level.
- Fixed formatted product name in order notes.
- Fixed notice errors in some cases.
- Fixed the "out of stock threshold" field not being displayed on simple BOMs.
- Fixed missing order_id input in order page when using HPOS.
- Fixed unsupported get_product_translations_ids integer return.
- Avoid notices when a variable is not passed to the BOM subtree template.
- API performance improvement.
- Added hook to be able to prevent uninstalling tasks.
- Fixed BOM emails notifications.
- Fixed available to purchase checking.
- Enable manage stock buttons when submitting on Gutenberg.
- Added deactivation tasks.
- Added support for ATUM trials.
- BOMs notifications refactory & added to settings.
- Apply settings to stock on hold notifications for parent & BOMs.
- Cast values to float before using them within a mathematical formula.
- Make sure the manage stock is active if BSC is enabled and the product has BOMs.
- Force the default param on the get_option helper.
- Fixed SML links.
- Fix backordered linked BOMs shown as outofstock if stock is 0.
- Fixed allow backorders show/hide behaviour.
- Fixed text domain.
- Fixed hook name.
- Check if function exists before calling it.
- Updated composer files.
- Refactoring.
- Clear old non-legacy data access.
- Minimum WC version bump.
- Fixed: when applying filters, controlled products appear in the uncontrolled products view and they appear repeated.
- Fixed PHP notice.
- BOM stock calculation adjustment, with BOM stock control enabled.
- Fixed sold individually help tip not being hide for non sellable BOM products.
- Fix All products included in MF query.
- Prevent get children from returning false.
- Adjusted minimum ATUM version required.
- When linking a BOM to a product, it will appear green if the main inventory is out of stock but there is stock in the secondary inventories.
- Add full compatibility with the new WooCommerce's HPOS tables.
- Refactoring.
- Added support for searching and sorting by backorders to MC.
- Ensure non MI products predicted BOM order items are deleted when transitioning.
- Allow getting only ids in get_linked_boms function.
- Add intermediate and non MI BOMs to the transient (predicted table).
- Allow BOM order items qtys with more than 6 decimal places.
- Added new filters to some helpers.
- Center calc backorders column in List Tables.
- Update calc_backorders field when calculating stock.
- Modified moving BOM order items function.
- Added BOM order items to predicted table if the product or any of its BOMs have no MI activated.
- Adjust old logic to fixed get_linked_boms_stock_used function.
- Added order_item_qty to the save transient Ajax call.
- Set correct predicted items when transitioning back.
- Remove wc_stock_amount function when calculating items qtys.
- Updated JS dependencies and require node 16.
- Remove per unit qty rounding.
- Update main inventory calculated backorders when linked BOMs are updated.
- Refactoring.
- Clean assets dir before compiling.
- Removed duplicated array key.
- Update BOM stock with decimals when global stock decimals setting is 0.
- Fixed get_linked_boms_stock_used not including level 0 BOMS in the used_boms prop.
- Fixed undefined variable in BOM tree when MI is disabled.
- Fixed non-editable last-child tree nodes colored in blue in specific cases.
- Prevent deleting edited items.
- Fixed get_linked_boms_stock_used wrong qtys returned.
- Prevent rounding qtys if decimals are being used.
- Ensure qty comparation is correct.
- Fixed notice wrong number of arguments in prepared SQL.
- Prevent erroneous JS multiplications in the BOM MI management modal.
- Ensure correct sum is made in BOM MI management modal.
- Fixed order type ID.
- Fixed showing/hiding pricing fields for BOMs according to their "sellable" option.
- Fixed wrong items backordered calculated in some cases.
- Added order id to the Order BOM predicted table.
- Replaced BOM transient functions.
- Moved BOM Order items current transients info to the new table.
- Add non-edited predicted values if no custom items were created.
- Added Predicted BOM Order items when MI isn't present.
- Adjusted the calc backorders column in MC to use the new calc prop.
- Changed data variable access on ATUM Product Trait.
- Check if product is has a BOM type before checking if is sellable.
- Removed unneeded column.
- Renamed predicted table name.
- Removed unneeded classes.
- Reorder some MC classes.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed undefined variable error in some orders.
- Fix incorrect array loop.
- Ensure the order id is an integer when moving the transient data.
- Ensure atum_data is an array when moving transient data.
- Fixed PHP code smells.
- Added BomOrderItemsModel class and deprecate BOMModel functions.
- Refactoring.
- Add deprecated comments.
- Fixed show BOM hierarchy tree for sellable BOMs at Stock Central.
- Mark the order items BOM tree qtys in red when there is not enough stock to fullfill an order.
- Added action before loading product models.
- Renamed all the ATUM params used on queries to the products' API endpoint.
- Avoid bypassing the MI stock status filter when calculating the stock indicator.
- Avoid bypassing MI stock status filter when calculating stock indicator style class.
- Refactoring.
- Exclude from SC dropdown the categories that only have non-sellable products.
- Added BOM reserved table to tables to delete when uninstalling.
- Removed parameter type declaration.
- Changed "atum_data" prop access.
- Fixed change decimal stock quantity at BOM inventories.
- Fixed insert BOM order items function always taking the first inventory.
- Fixed Total Raw Material Cost number not displayed correctly.
- Recalculate stock after updating selling priority and/or minimum threshold at list tables.
- Fixed variable product's manage stock being checked when changing the product type.
- Show inventories to be used in WC Orders if no transient is set.
- Added order_item_id to deferred recalculate info.
- Changed PO notes with real calculated stock.
- Refactoring.
- Changed order item notes' text for products with BOMs and BOM Stock Control enabled.
- Fixed wrong stock changes in PO free when the inventories are in negative stock.
- Fixed search by value "0" in List Tables.
- Fixed filter names.
- Fixed sorting in MC by stock quantity.
- Fixed no order ID sent to async tasks for Inventory Logs.
- Added filter to check if sql field has linked BOMs when ordering by stock.
- Added extra param to field filter to avoid adding extra criteria when sorting by stock at ListTables.
- Added low stock threshold column to Manufacturing Central.
- Sortable low stock threshold column.
- Updated PL tools config array to the new format.
- Modify fields for the Current Stock Value widget query.
- Refactoring.
- Strip HTML tags on backorder email content.
- Prevent showimg scientific notation in linked BOMs.
- Added filter to determine if an inventory stock must be added to total in Stock Value widget.
- Moved suppliers filter query to AtumListTable class.
- Recalculate associated products after updating a BOM at the REST API.
- Do not exclude unsellable BOMs in queries from REST API requests.
- Changed low stock name to restock status everywhere (for more clarity).
- Refactoring.
- Prevent accessing non existing linked BOMs.
- Changed outdated links to documentation.
- Override onbackorder status if BOM children don't allow backorders when BOM stock control is enabled.
- Remove linked boms when changing product type to variable.
- Fixed SQL error when switch a simple product to variable.
- Fixed order note stock is not displayed correctly when deleting a product with BOMs from a WC order.
- Fixed stock not being modified properly when editing the stock of a BOM inventory order item.
- Fire WC stock hook to update grouped/bundle parents when a calculated product is updated.
- Refactoring.
- Do not add the BOM sellables exclusion when not necessary.
- Fixed non sellable BOM results on searches.
- Fixed Inventory Logs not allowing to include out of stock inventories in the BOM MI management modal.
- Fixed the entries per page custom values not being saved on Manufacturing Central.
- Allow filtering the BOM order item ID.
- Allow filtering the BOM order item transient order ID.
- Added the BOM MI management popup when a delivery is added if needed.
- Added an alert when there are main inventories expired in products with children and parents calculated stock field.
- Changed hook for the admin notice when there are incorrect linked BOMs.
- Updated minimum versions.
- Apply stock quantity decimals on commited boms column in MC.
- Resend the tree when saving the BOM tree transient.
- Prevent change stock status on main expired inventories in products with children and parents.
- Moved ajax display BOM tree to MI integration class.
- Removed unnecesary access to the database.
- Fixed blocking of incorrect manage stock in variable BOMs (BOM Stock Control enabled).
- Fixed visibility of fields not according to logic when one inventory is expired (BOM Stock Control enabled).
- Fixed the enable manage stock in new BOM products.
- Fixed wrong calculated stock when a BOM inventory expires.
- Fixed unexisting function called.
- Fixed incongruent field display when changing product data.
- Fixed JSON info shown in order BOM tree when MI is disabled.
- Fixed error when transitioning an order with non existing products.
- Added PO PRO compatibility to the BOM MI management modal.
- Add filter to the BOM Order Items transient.
- Add bom tree is editable variable.
- Automatically calculate BOM tree if transient was not created.
- Allow specifying the quantity for the BOM tree within orders.
- Allow filtering the order id before saving the BOM order items transient.
- Always remove addon transient when uninstalling.
- Delete add-ons list transient when uninstalling.
- Moved all the Orders' hooks to its own class.
- Refactoring.
- Make sure the ATUM cache is enabled before preparing the BOM tree recalculation.
- Ensure next linked BOMs take the correct inventory to use.
- Remove BOM order items transient when updating (if empty).
- Prevent users to remove the BOM order items transient manually.
- Make sure the cache is enabled before processing multiple BOMs recalculation from MC.
- Delete the BOM order items transient in POs when transitioning to received.
- Pass the order to the BOM tree views.
- Pass the order item to the BOM MI Management item template.
- Changed the text for the PL icon on PO items.
- Changed get_linked_boms_stock_used to allow continue calculating stock even if an OOS product has been found.
- Fixed BOM tree being added twice to ATUM Orders.
- Fixed incorrect stock status being saved on BOMs without childrens or parents.
- Fixed incorrect stock status on BOMs with MI.
- Minor CSS fixes.
- Fixed methods being called on the wrong class.
- Sync totals when opening the BOM MI management modal.
- Text fix.
- Fixed wrong number of params.
- Fixed editable BOM trees not editable anymore after collapsing/expanding all nodes.
- Fixed BOM subtree view loading path.
- Avoid adding the BOM MI management modal template more than once.
- Fixed last level BOM tree node do not expanding/collapsing.
- Fixed wrong order in the inventories of the product BOMs added to an order in the product BOM tree.
- Fixed blocking of incorrect manage stock in the variable BOMs when BOM Stock Control is enabled.
- Allow disabling Manufacturing Central columns from settings.
- Added the PO PRO icon to ATUM Settings.
- ATUM dates refactoring.
- Exclude deferred calc BOM tree from ATUM cache groups.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed wrong update where clause when upgrading.
- Fixed reserved stock not allowing linked BOMs with qty 0.
- Fixed API import not allowing linked BOMs with qty 0.
- Fixed the blocking of a product's manage stock option not happening in the cases where it should.
- Added compatibility to WPML when creating product translations from the frontend.
- Performance improvement: prevent querying the database when unnecessary.
- Ajax nonce names unification.
- Converted the WPML class to singleton.
- Prevent showing ATUM panels even when creating a translation.
- Provide jQuery with Webpack config to avoid conflicts with 3rd party plugins.
- Refactoring.
- Check allowBackOrders only if BOM stock control is enabled.
- Show secondary inventories stock in BOM tree nodes if BOM stock control is disabled and the main inventory is unmanaged.
- Make static the sync purcahse prices method.
- Refactoring for the entries per page option in ATUM List Tables.
- JS hooks renaming to follow the same naming conventions.
- Fixed wrong class called on hook.
- Fixed the stock drop not being applied correctly in the BOM tree (with BOM Stock control disabled).
- Prevent the inventory iteration from using a managed inventory with 0 stock without contemplating the next iterations (with BOM stock control disabled).
- Fixed shortage and free to use for products with managed instock inventories.
- Fixed wrong alert when adding a BOM to any product.
- Fixed popovers CSS warning.
- Fix wrong BOM stock status when increasing quantity (with BOM stock control disabled).
- Fixed duplicated stock status field & committed, shortage and free to use fields refactoring.
- Fixed MI integration checking.
- Fixed the sync purchase price meta not being copied when duplicating any product.
- Fixed typos in order statuses.
- Performance improvement: after saving in Manufacturing Central return the updated table data directly without having to perform an extra request to update.
- Added hook to be able to bypass the automatic BOMs deduction.
- Added filter to prevent sending of notifications for certain products.
- Untracked package-lock.json.
- Refactoring.
- Return an empty array on ajax JSON search functions when there are no results.
- Hook names change: 'atum/product_levels/bypass_order_stock_increase' and 'atum/product_levels/bypass_order_stock_reduce'.
- Fixed duplicate fields on Product Data when BOM stock control was disabled and MI enabled.
- Fixed show/hide fields at BOM products with inventory and BOM Stock Control disabled.
- Added nesting level calculation to the linked BOMs stock used getter.
- Added action hooks before and after the linked BOMs stock used calcs.
- Allow setting -1 to available to purchase so any BOM associate product can be put as out of stock temporarily.
- Adapt WP-CLI to allow executing sync_real_stock tool per batches.
- Added batch processing to the related BOM Stock tool in REST API.
- Bypass region retrictions for BOMs with MI activated.
- Added parameter to duplicate_wpml function.
- Refactoring.
- Execute the sync_real_stock tool per batches.
- Fixed typo.
- Fixed missing atum_stock_status update.
- Improve performance when transitioning orders that have items with huge BOM trees.
- Launch recalculate_bom_tree function only when necesary, and recalc the nodes products' stock (BOMs with BOMs) correctly.
- Added support for PL tools when using the new ATUM's WP-CLI commands.
- Change the way the sales days are being calculated.
- Updated JS dependencies.
- Add MI cases to Manufacturing Central list when has unmanaged inventories.
- Fixed free to use and shortage calc in some cases.
- Fixed missing ATUM UI icons within orders.
- Fixed Manufacturing Central views' counters on some cases.
- Fixed wrong text domains.
- Update manage stock for BOM-related products with an SQL query for performance improvement.
- Changed tooltip texts in MC for the MI sum cells.
- Updated ATUM icon font
- Changed position of Committed, shortage and free to use fields when the product has MI enabled.
- Fixed BOM tree not removed when an order item is removed.
- Fixed error when sending ajax multipart/formdata
- Fixed wrong committed, shortage and free to use calculated values when BOM Stock Control disabled.
- Fixed stock totalizator in Manufacturing Central when BOM Stock Control disabled.
- Added real stock extra filter to Manufacturing Central.
- Show warning notices when the Main Inventory is written off and has linked BOMs.
- Update manage stock for BOM-related products with an SQL query for performance improvement.
- Changed tooltip texts in MC for the MI sum cells.
- Fixed calculated PL columns: total in warehouse, shortage and free to use.
- Fixed editable functionality for Total in warehouse column.
- Fixed BOM Stock not synchronized if purchaseing non-original lang products (WPML compatibility).
- Update input value when a new BOM is added.
- Fixed sorting styles to metabox variations fields.
- Fixed undefined function get_current_screen() when accessing MC.
- Fix wrong warning modal being shown when editing an inventory in MC when stock control disabled.
- Allow disabling the PL API when the ATUM API module is off.
- Check that a valid product type is sent when adding BOMs to product from REST API.
- Refactoring: code style.
- Delete set-meta CSS class when it's a calculated stock.
- Added missing query data filter at Manufacturing Central.
- Fixed BOM tree not being updated when modifying a BOM with MI stock from Manufacturing Central.
- Fixed mail queue when a purchase has regular products after BOM products.
- Fixed order note when the purchase doesn't have BOMs.
- Fixed hidden fields for non sellable variations.
- Calculate the BOM tree stock with async action after quick saving at WC products list.
- Show ATUM order items although the product was removed.
- Added variable BOM types to multi-price filter.
- Added BOM variable types to Stock Central parents post types.
- Replace stock emails for products with linked BOMs when the BOM stock control is enabled.
- Prevent deleting cache on BOM order notes.
- Updated JS dependencies.
- Show empty cells for commited, shortage and free to use on inventories rows.
- Ensure an order item exists before adding notes.
- Set the default value as 1 for new linked BOMs.
- Show linked BOMs quantity regardless of the ATUM stock decimals setting value.
- Make sure it's a PL-compatible order before deleting BOM order items.
- Enlarged linked BOMs fields width.
- WPML styles adjustment.
- WPML compatibility: fixed RAW variations not being created.
- Fixed linked BOMs searching by terms starting by numbers.
- Fixed make sellable bulk action for all the variations.
- Fixed API check bom order items.
- Fixed total in warehouse quantities returning zero.
- Fix empty order notes when doesn't exist PL related notes.
- Full RTL languages compatibility.
- Collect data when creating order notes and save metas.
- Added option to ATUM settings to specify the number of decimals used for the BOM cost.
- Exclude products with BOMs when calculating values for Current Stock Value widget.
- Calculate BOM parents stock after quick saving or importing BOM products.
- Use the ATUM's font icon for child arrows everywhere.
- Fixed function in API called with wrong parameter.
- Fixed do not search trashed parents.
- Prevent error when a product ID is passed instead of a product object.
- Fixed showing PL fields in API requests.
- Fixed conflict with AutomateWoo when returning an empty comment.
- Added compounded stock to Available Stock column for variable products.
- BOM order items' refactoring.
- Check if "is_bom" column exists as it may be created also at ATUM upgrade.
- Validate API requests to product data endpoint when BOM stock control is enabled and the product has linked BOMs.
- Do not run some upgrade scripts when it's a fresh install.
- Updated dependencies + use WebPack 4.
- Reduced change stock hooks' priorities.
- Fixed BOM order data to insert on REST API call.
- Use request params instead of global variable and prepare method for batch requests.
- Remove BOM transient order item if the Main Invnetory is removed.
- Fixed missing methods errors.
- Prevent changing stock when adding order items in not allowed statuses.
- Show the sellable BOMs in Stock Central.
- Added new helper to obtain the sync purchase price meta value.
- Added column type for sellable BOMs in Stock Central.
- Added existing sellable BOMs' taxonomies to SC dropdown.
- Include variable boms with sellable variations in SC.
- Added "Available to produce" column to Manufacturing Central.
- Added a security check to avoid changing the stock multiple times for the same order.
- Add BOM tree to orders with MI-enabled products + linked BOMs but without any inventory set.
- Serve every PL fields in API Requests too.
- Get the WC order statuses that change the stock from ATUM Globals.
- Disabled the sorting button on linked BOM items for now.
- Remove all the BOM order items when an order is deleted.
- Fixed wrong status name comparision.
- Fixed "Sync purchase price" switch not being updated correctly.
- Fixed wrong column name in List Tables.
- Apply BOM order data from REST API.
- Avoid errors when showing products at WC CLI.
- Add simple BOM types to simple product types filter.
- Added tooltip with extra info to the inventories within the BOM MI Management popup.
- Added antialiasing for all the ATUM font icons everywhere.
- Delete BOM transient depending on chg_stock_order_complete option value.
- Prevent saving BOM transient if not needed.
- Changed 'simple_product_types' hook name.
- Refactoring.
- Allow decimals in BOM MI management popup.
- Allow the order item quantity for any order item to be changed if the transient is not set.
- Replaced switchery by a 100% CSS switcher.
- Prevent products with BOM stock changes when managing order items from the backend and order status distinct from 'on-hold',
- Fixed BOM associates tab's prop values not being saved.
- Prevent undefined variable in hook 'atum/product_levels/after_update_order_bom'.
- Removed error log.
- Added the wp-hooks dependency to ensure they are loaded by WordPress.
- Fixed PL notes not being generated when transitioning.
- Prevent removing order notes if product with BOMs has MI enabled.
- Prevent showing span tags when no region is selected but default is set.
- Prevent negative quantities in BOM MI Management popup.
- Prevent disabling purchase price non-main inventories.
- Fixed wrongly documented return.
- Fixed BOM total being calculated wrongly due to new BS tooltip.
- Fixed sync purchase price blocking.
- Fixed BOM cost calculation tooltips when the quantities get changed.
- Added regular price, sale price and groiss profit columns to Manufacturing Central.
- Added help text for regular price, sale price and gross profit columns.
- Show a notice when any product has some linked BOMs with zero quantity assigned.
- Fixed some settings' key names to match the standards.
- Fixed PHP notice when the BOM qty was set to zero.
- Added custom get_formatted_name functions to Simple and Variation BOM Product traits.
- Added tooltip to BOM product's name in linked BOMs tab.
- Allow until 8 decimals on linked BOMs quantities without scientific notation.
- Added filters to MC to allow adding row actions externally.
- Disable the Sync Purchase Price field when there are no linked BOMs yet.
- Enable the sync Purchase Price after adding the first BOM to a product.
- Text change for the Purchase Price field when the sync Purchase Price is enabled.
- Ensure there exists an accumulated qty when building the BOM tree for any order item.
- Changed the formatted name in Linked BOMs tab when searching.
- Refactoring.
- Add force parameter to BOMModel's get_linked_bom method.
- Enable/disable purchase price depending on sync Purchase Price value.
- Adapt enable/diable Purchase Price when sync switch changes to MI.
- Added class to products with negative stock in BOM trees.
- Upgraded popovers and tooltips to Bootstrap 5.
- Prevent adding more than once the calculated stock tooltip hook in List Tables.
- Prevent scientific notation in BOM prices.
- Fixed error when inserting linked BOM.
- Fixed variation names in BOM list when including a span that was breaking the HTML.
- Fixed linked BOMS were being inserted twice.
- Fixed BOM inventories' stock quantity on sales update.
- Fixed BOM quantities metaboxes.
- Unify how the existence of products is checked.
- Refactoring.
- Ensure that a product still exists before adding the node to the hierarchy tree.
- Fixed free to use qty not being shown on Product's page.
- Fixed all the jQuery deprecations until version 3.5.
- Do not load the ATUM Order items when not needed to improve performance.
- Use the new helper to get the current timestamp.
- Use the new AtumAdminNotices component when showing notices.
- CSS fixes.
- Recalculate BOM tree stock after saving a product through the API.
- Fixed error when a non ATUM product is passed to the check_bom_minimum_threshold method.
- Added required hook for action logs.
- Set min node version to 14 and added jquery as webpack external.
- Refactoring.
- Added support for ES2017 to tsconfig.json.
- Prevent missing sales_last_days at Manufacturing Central columns.
- Fixed JS error when opening variations on variable BOMs.
- Changed MI filter name.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed trying to reserve stock when no stock wanted.
- Fixed assign BOM to a variation disables and checks all the other variations' manage stock checkboxes.
- Fixed wrong group used for caching the deferred calc BOM tree.
- Added full compatibility for reserved stock to BOM products.
- Performance improvement: compact all the product BOM tree stock calls in only one function call.
- Update new is_bom column data when upgrading.
- Performance improvement: Use new is_bom column to reduce the products' loop loading time.
- Refactoring.
- BOM tree CSS adjustments.
- BOM MI management popup adjustments.
- Moved JS trigger to hook.
- Hide pricing fields for non sellable BOMs.
- Add WC changes into PL ReserveStock class.
- Fixed select2 dropdown placement on linked BOMs section.
- Fixed wrong text domains on some strings.
- Fixed popover arrow CSS.
- Fixed empty sales_last_ndays in Manufacturing Central.
Performance improvement when saving BOMs with many parents.
- Allow specifying product ID when recalculating the BOM tree's stock.
- Check if the product exist before recalculating its BOMs.
- Avoid enabling expired MI's manage stock checkbox.
- Fixed missing data when ordering by "Sales Last Days" column in Manufacturing Central.
- Fixed ATUM stock status not being updated on calculating stocks.
- Created BOM reserved stock table.
- Added BOM reserved stock functionallity.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed calculated stock set to 0 since WP 5.5.
- Added Reserved Stock functionality for BOMs when the BOM stock control is enabled.
- Enable/Disable allow backorder fields when adding/removing linked BOMs.
- Ensure backorders are not allowed when saving if associated products don't allow backorders.
- Fixed wrong calculated stock when wanted qty equals BOM stock.
- Fixed missing Multi-Inventories in non MI Product BOMs' tree within POs.
- Fixed variations not being shown in Manufacturing Central when a view was active.
- Fixed calculated qtys were rounded instead of floored.
- Adapted hook to renamed purchade orders' hook.
- Updated JS dependencies.
- Fixed Inventory Logs notes included wrong qtys for calculated stocks.
- Fixed sync purchase price always disabled.
- Fixed sync purchase price showing wrong value for variations.
- Fixed MI integration's fields-to-hide.
- Removed non existing variable from hook.
- Fixed Manufacturing Central's "search by column" functionality.
- Improved performance when recalculating the BOM trees.
- Allow filtering inventories by supplier + product type.
- Run the "recalculate_bom_tree" method asynchronously in some cases.
- Create the BOM order items transient for uncompleted ATUM Orders.
- Format BOM cost figures according to WC pricing configuration.
- Ensure a valid product is passed before recalculating the BOM tree stock.
- Recalculate the BOM tree again after changing an order status.
- Adjusted select2 components to follow the enhancedSelect component conventions.
- Recalculate the BOM tree when BOM without children has its stock increased in Inventory Logs.
- Remove BOM variations and linked BOMs after changing the product type.
- Show the Linked Products' tab on sellable BOM products.
- Remove the BOM order items transient when a PO increases the stock (if don't really needed).
- Refactoring.
- Do not hide the backorders field when the BOM stock control is enabled.
- Do not block the manage stock and backorders fields for products with BOM if the BOM stock control is disabled.
- Fixed total BOM cost formatting.
- Fixed order notes not adding the right stock numbers for products with calculated stock.
- Fixed ATUM order notes not adding the right stock numbers for products with calculated stock.
- Fixed calculated stock quantity being set to 1 when there weren't enough BOM to produce 1 product.
- Removed console log message.
- Fixed BOM builder selects.
- Fixed BOM sellable variations' out of stock threshold field not being shown.
- Fixed calculated stock not being calculated correctly when adding/changing the linked BOMs.
- Fixed add_action hook being used instead of add_filter.
- Fixed backorders field not showing in BOM products when the BOM stock control was enabled.
- Fixed product type filtering in Manufacturing Central.
- Fixed calculated stock products not getting their stocks changed in Inventory Logs.
- Fixed wrong BOM total required in BOM MI Management popup after editing the order item qty.
- Update the BOM quantities on the orders' BOM tree after saving the BOM MI management popup.
- Added new custom hooks.
- Updated minimum required WordPress version to 4.7.0.
- Refactoring.
- Allow setting -1 as posts per page in Manufacturing Central settings.
- Allow setting backorders on non sellable BOMs, so their parents can set the option too.
- Fixed stocks not being changed for Inventory Logs when BOM stock control was enabled.
- Prevent duplicated IDs for sync purchase price inputs on variations.
- Fixed products need to be save twice to refresh the calculated stock value.
- Overall performance improvements.
- Reduced SQL queries complexity.
- Removed duplicated queries.
- Avoid recalculating the BOM trees multiple times.
- Added cache handlers to some helpers to improve performance.
- Make stockables all the BOM products' inventories.
- Prevent accessing order items if order type not supported.
- Added PL variation types to MI compatible children types.
- Added "modify" and "delete" options by inventory to BOMModel.
- Added decimal values (if set) to the calculated stock field.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed error when there is a NULL parameter being passed to a hook.
- Fixed wrong logic when enabling/disabling the manage stock field.
- Fxed manage stock field was not being saved for new inventories.
- Fixed BOM variable with MI calculating wrong stock in Manufacturing Central.
- Prevent order items' BOM trees from being built multiple times and casuing issues.
- Fixed POs always reducing stock when changing their status.
- Fixed WC Orders with BOM + MI order items couldn't be changed form the backend.
- Fixed BOM order item transient being deleted in non "on-hold" statuses.
- Fixed BOM products not being counted in ATUM Dashboard.
- Minor CSS fixes.
- Updated ATUM Utils JS component.
- Ensure there are no WPML translations when deleting a linked BOM.
- Refactory.
- Fixed stock being reduced instead of increased for BOM without MI on Order status changes.
- Fixed checkboxes column not being shown in Manufacturing Central when is AJAX loaded.
- Prevent showing the BOM panels for WPML translations.
- Fixed backorders allowed field's wrong show/hide behavior.
- Refactory.
- CSS fixes.
- Added support for inventory expiry days.
- Refactory set_bom_order_items_transient function to prevent non needed queries.
- Added new hook after Manufacturing Central List filters.
- Suspend the products' BOM order stock recalculation when an order inventory is created.
- Suspend the products' BOM order stock recalculation when an order inventory is removed.
- Display the order item's BOM tree collapsed by default.
- Added Cache to the BOM order items transient.
- Added cache to BOMModel order items' methods.
- BOM order item inventories' changes detection when saving orders.
- Fixed wrong BOM order tree calculated if any inventory had negative stock.
- Fixed wrong available inventory quantity when editing orders with already changed stock.
- Fixed no correct quantities were inserted in the BOM orders' table when editing from the backend.
- Fixed inventory stock not being increased correctly from WC orders.
- Fixed wrong BOM order items quantities when the order status was "pending payment".
- Fixed product with BOM and without MI stock wasn't decreasing correctly.
- Fixed BOM tree order items were messed up when ordering items by column.
- Refactory.
- Added full compatibility with Multi-Inventory.
- Now all the BOM types may have multiple inventories and the MI configuration is applied to them too.
- If the BOM stock control is enabled the Main Inventories will handle the calculated stock.
- The inventories used for the last level BOM can be eidted manually from the order/PO/IL page.
- Added new BOM management popup to be able to edit the used inventories manually.
- The full BOM tree (with used quantities) is now shown on orders/POs/ILs (with or without MI).
- A new icon is shown on order items to easily identify whether the product has linked BOM.
- The correct BOM inventories are being reduced/increased when switching order statuses.
- The sellable BOMs will make use of MI as any other MI-compatible product when sold.
- Added the BOM fields (calculated stock, committed, shortage, free to use) to the Main Inventory.
- Added new helper to find the bottom-level BOM children.
- Added column groups to Manufacturing Central.
- Added new custom hook for BOM tree nodes.
- Added inventories to the BOM report.
- Add the quantity input to the BOM Management popup and disable the order item's one.
- Update BOM tree qtys after changing the order item quantity.
- Exclude all the associated products and the variation siblings from BOM link searches (to avoid cyclical issues).
- Hide the categories that have only non-sellable BOMs within and the "hide_empty" option set to true.
- Upgraded to TypeScript 3.7.3.
- Updated dependency versions.
- Changed the PL icon logic for the tooltip text.
- Disable the WC's manage stock for BOM products when the BOM stock control is enabled.
- Get rid of the original_stock hidden field when a product has calculated stock.
- Disable the Allow Backorders field for the associated products that have children not allowing them.
- Show the allow backorder fields on BOM products when the BOM stock control is enabled.
- Wait untilt WC has completed the product fields visibility adjustments before doing our own.
- Only add hooks for force real stock when necessary.
- Get rid of the "ATUM_PREFIX" constant from db table names to avoid issues.
- Added changed_qty column to BOM Orders table.
- Only check if there is enough stock available if the BOM stock control is disabled.
- Added the premium support link to the plugin details on the plugins page.
- Show Virtual and Downloadable checkboxes on simple BOMs.
- Removed the BOM fields from non-main inventories.
- Fixed stock increase/decrease for items with linked BOMs.
- Fixed available to purchase option.
- Fixed inventories not being set as onbackorder when should.
- Fixed unending loop issue affecting to variable BOMs.
- Fixed the ATUM data removal when a product is deleted.
- Fixed allow back orders field not being disabled on variations.
- Fixed associated products not showing the right stock status when disabling the OOST.
- Fixed non numeric value error when getting the calculated stock.
- Recalculate the BOM tree stock after changing the minimum threshold from the product page.
- Recalculate the synced purchase price when doing changes to the parent product's BOMs.
- Prevent adding BOM order rows with qty 0.
- Show the PL fields correctly on BOM variations when the BOM stock control is disabled.
- Fixed "Used for variations" checkbox not being shown when creating variable BOMs.
- Fixed BOM search query.
- Avoid locking the manage stock checkbox on non-main inventories.
- CSS fixes.
- Refactory.
- Check if an associated product is really a product before adding it to the list.
- Fixed variable BOM sellable saved before saving changes.
- Fixed ATUM Product Data saved twice when creating if BOM stock control was enabled.
- Set aliases for the BOM product types' classes.
- Added filtering to Products' API endpoint using PL fields.
- Prepare the BOM products for database in API requests.
- CSS changes for accessibility (following WordPress 5.3 new styling).
- Fixed wrong arguments' order in Products' API endpoint extender.
- Register some PL admin hooks when a REST API request is being performed.
- Fixed calculated stock being updated even if BOM stock control was disabled.
- Added Product Levels extension for the new ATUM REST API.
- Added BOM order items to the WC Orders, Purchase Orders and Inventory Logs endpoints.
- Added linked BOMs to the Products and Variation Products endpoints.
- Added BOM Stock control data to the Products endpoint.
- Added Product Levels tools to the ATUM Tools endpoint.
- Added sync real stock for products with calculated stock.
- Added sync BOM calculated stocks tool.
- Exclude BOMs from query from the list of IDs to subquery.
- Sync all the WC stock with calculated stock automatically when updating to this version.
- Fixed wrong bom_sellable value being saved for Variable BOMs.
- Fixed "get_all_related_bom_products" legacy method that wasn't retieving variations.
- Fixed no BOMs in Manufacturing Central when accessing the "all stock" view.
- Fixed BOM sellable field being saved in non-BOM products.
- Fixed wrong language text domains.
- CSS fixes.
- Refactory.
- Fixed calculated stock wasn't set from Manufacturing Central if the new BOM stock was 0.
- Refactory.
- Adapted gulpfile code to work with Gulp 4.
- Check that a product is really a product before confirming if it's a BOM.
- Extra checking to avoid issues with products that not exist anymore.
- Count the sellable BOMs for the "Sales Last Days" column in Manufacturing Central.
- Set the variable product's sellable status depending on its children statuses.
- Fixed purchase price sync when a product is formed by more than one unit of any BOM.
- CSS fixes.
- Refactory.
- Updated JS dependencies.
- Updated gulpfile.
- Added a new hook to alert other plugins that Product Levels has just activated.
- Select2 CSS fix.
- Moved ATUM product data fields related to PL from ATUM in the Helper duplicate a product function.
- Buf fix wrog stock status in backordered products when bom stock control enabled.
- Buf fix BOM associates were not shown.
- CSS fixes.
- Refactory.
- Adapted to the new ATUM colors feature.
- Fixed stock indicator and editable stocks in Manufacturing Central.
- Fixed language file not being loaded.
- Prevent adding "calculated stock" tooltip to MI parents.
- Fixed tsconfig.json to support TypeScript 3.5.3.
- CSS fixes.
- Refactory.
- Fixed undefined variable notice.
- Check that a product still exists before trying to display it on List Tables.
- Remove linked BOM when a product is deleted.
- Avoid memory leaks when deleting cache groups.
- Refactory.
- Fixed undefined index error in Manufacturing Central.
- Fixed stock indicator not showing for variable BOM in MC.
- Refactory.
- Handle weird cases when trying to get the calculated stock from something that is not a product.
- Prevent reducing BOM stock twice with WooCommerce versions < 3.5.0.
- Fixed calculated stock recalculation for all the BOM associates on every purchase.
- Fixed editables variations with calculated stock quantity on Stock Central.
- Refactory.
- Added exclude path to TypeScript config.
- Avoid conflicts with jQuery UI's datepicker.
- CSS fixes.
- Performance improvement: reduced number of db queries performed in Manufacturing Central to the half.
- Performance improvement: added a calculated stok quantity column to the ATUM product data table to reduce calculations on every page load.
- Performance improvement: recalculate the calculated stock quantity column when needed.
- Recalculate the calculated stock quantity for the whole BOM tree after MC changes.
- Recalculate the calculated stock quantity every time the a product stock is increased/reduced.
- Updated to the latest TypeScript version.
- Disable the ATUM cache when forcing the calculated stock quantity.
- Undefined index fix.
- Refactory.
- Added compatibility with WC 3.6+ (items are now discounting stock when added to orders manually).
- Fixed checking BOM stock in cart was checking non BOM products.
- Fixed blank cells showing on Sales Last Days column.
- Fixed stock reduced twice for calculated products in Orders.
- Center numeric columns.
- Fixed alert shown in MC when trying to change a BOM stock.
- Only change stock when saving items if already changed some stock.
- Fixed Refund not restocking calculated products.
- Refactory.
- Show a 404 error page when accessing to non sellable BOM products directly.
- Fixed Purchase Order note quantities not showning correctly.
- Fixed Double stock reduced when the site is working with legacy payment gateways.
- Fixed Subscription fields shown in BOM variables products.
- Fixed order bom table was not created in multisite networks.
- Delete all the Product Levels data when unistalling if the option in ATUM settings is enabled.
- Fixed Manufacturing Central reports not being printed correclty in some cases.
- Performance improvements: reduced the number of db queries using cache.
- Refactory JS to TypeScript.
- Fixed filter by supplier in Manufacturing Central had variable products included although no children available.
- Avoid CSS conflicts with other plugins using Select2.
- Fix: Manufacturing Central uncontrolled was not using the right trait.
- Fixed wrong total in wareahuse in BOM list item when bom_stock_control was activated.
- Fixed Manufacturing Central export errors.
- Fixed Stock Indicator not properly shown for stock calculated products.
- Fixed PHP notices on Manufacturing Central reports.
- Improved performance with cache.
- Added compatibility for order refunds.
- Add on-hold BOMs to calculated stock.
- Check if there are enough BOM for fullfill the order.
- Remove BOM stock control props for the products that have no linked BOM(s).
- Cache refactoring.
- Do not allow the stock to be edited from List Tables when is being calculated.
- Hide the Out of Stock Threshold field on non sellable BOMs.
- Add uncolored rows to the BOM builder by default.
- Fixed WC Orders not showing the real stock changes.
- Fixed BOM with no stock not being used to calculate the stock.
- Fixed stock quantity field showing in variations when BOM stock control is enabled.
- Fixed minimum threshold not working properly in some cases.
- Fixed back orders calculation in BOM builder.
- Fixed thumb column class in BOM builder template.
- CSS fixes.
- New BOM Stock control feature. You can now control the stock of all your products by their children BOM's stock.
- Added option to Settings to enable/disable the BOM stock control functionality globally.
- New BOM associates tab added to BOMs when the BOM stock control is enabled.
- New BOM stock control fields: "Calculated stock quantity", "Minimum threshold", "Selling Priority" and "Available to purchase".
- Added the BOM stock control fields as columns to Stock Central and Manufacturing Central.
- Make the BOM stock control columns sortable.
- Added compatibility between Product Levels and WC Product Bundles.
- Allow setting any priority as the last with a click.
- Do not show the BOM stock control fields in non-sellable BOMs.
- Rearrange selling priorities after changing one.
- Control the minimum threshold for BOM associates according to the selling priority.
- Adjust the BOM controlled products' stocks to the available to purchase amount.
- New BOM builder UI following ATUM style guides.
- Added link to BOM builder names.
- Added thumbnail and toggle icon columns to BOM builder.
- Added full BOM multi-tree for Manufacturing Central.
- Added backorders column to Manufacturing Central.
- Added tooltips to unmanaged BOMs in Manufacturing Central.
- Javascript Modularization and code upgraded to ES6 syntax (work in progress).
- Javascript code refactorized (work in progress).
- Changed product types svg to atum font icons.
- Performance improvements using cache.
- Use ATUM thumb placeholder for BOM products without thumb.
- Recalculate BOM item data after quantity input changes.
- Removed non-sellable BOM's from json_search_products.
- Removed some columns from MC when BOM stock control is enabled.
- Force manage stock in BOM tree products.
- Changed section titles styles.
- Change comitted, free to use and shortage calculations.
- Hide stock status for unmanaged variable BOMs.
- Show the MC's BOM hierarchy icon on all the BOMs that are being used.
- Select the current item within the full BOM tree in a different color.
- Fixed Uncontrolled list not showing for Manufacturing Central.
- Prevent Upgrade from running several times.
- Fixed increase and reduce stock in Inventory Logs.
- Fixed purchase price sync.
- Fixed BOM builder rows marked in shortage when shouldn't.
- Fixed BOM Hierarchy Tree in BOM Associates.
- Create the right Product Levels tables from the start to avoid issues.
- Switched the Manufacturing Central product type icons from SVG to ATUM font icons.
- Do not search by column if no column is selected in Manufacturing Central.
- Check that all the product levels terms are created and create them if don't exist.
- CSS fixes.
- Refactory.
- Do not remove variations when changing a variable product to a BOM variable and vice versa.
- Fixed sellable variations tool.
- Fixed bug in Manufacturing Central's low stock counters.
- Fixed bug in Manufacturing Central's legacy low stock counters.
- Fixed upgrade version task.
- Refactory: code style.
- Using autoprefixer when compiling SCSS to CSS.
- Text typo change.
- Re-added search by product name to Manufacturing Central.
- CSS fixes.
- Added order type field in BOM orders table.
- Fixed CSS class names.
- Fixed minimum versions checks.
- Fixed icons.
- Changed Manufacturing Central styles to fit the new ATUM designs.
- Updated readme format to be compatible with SML website.
- Performance improvements.
- Added minimum versions warnings.
- Adapted Product Levels data models to new ATUM data models.
- Added Bom Sellable column to ATUM product data.
- Replaced all the icons to the new ATUM icons.
- Fixed WPML integration issues.
- Added variable BOM to product type dropdown on Manufacturing Central.
- Minor bug fixes.
- CSS changes.
- Fixed WPML error when WooCommerce WPML is active while WPML doesn't.
- Fixed hook name.
- Fixed variable BOM not showing on Manufacturin Central's PDF reports.
- Refactory: code style.
- Sanitization fixes.
- New Manufacturing List Table columns sorting.
- Fixed extra fields hide/show logic not working.
- Removed MultiInventory Integration class.
- Fixed "Selling of BOM" feature when the global setting is enabled.
- Moved Multi-Inventory integration code to its own class.
- Refactory.
- Added WC Bookings add-on compatibility.
- Refactory (code style).
- Minor bug fixes.
- Added PL variables to the WC loop.
- Fixed loop PL variable products not displaying.
- Changed shortage display behavior, now shortage only has a red background when its value < 0.
- Fixed BOM variable products not appeared in the WC loop.
- Fixed BOM variables add to cart didn't add variations.
- Added initial purchase price product calc from BOM materials when enabling "Sync Purchase Price" switch.
- Fixed Product Part total BOM cost set to Raw Materials Total if not Product Parts assigned when loading.
- Fixed error calculating product's BOM totals when "BOM item cost calculation" setting was disabled.
- Fixed version causes product’s linked BOMs are inserted every time the product is saved.
- Fixed shipping tab not showing on WC's product data meta box when the "Selling of BOM" was enabled globally.
- Refactory.
- Added compatibility for Multi-Inventory add-on.
- Fixed issue when multiple add-ons are active and one of them does not match the min ATUM version.
- CSS changes.
- Refactory.
- Added BOM fields to BOM variations.
- Hide "make sellable" field from regular variable products.
- Refactory
- Allow to sell BOM variations.
- Added tool to variable products for setting the "Make Sellable" option for all the variations at once.
- Fixed popover titles in Manufacturing Central.
- Get purchase_field meta key name from ATUM Globals.
- Fixed language text domains.
- Allow float values when inserting items to the BOM order items table.
- Fixed issue with Purchase Price Sync.
- Refactory.
- Fixed PHPCS code smells.
- Added "Sold Last Days" column to Manufacturing Central.
- Show empty product types on Manufacturing Central's filter to allow private products' filtering.
- Refactory.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Added "Out of Stock Threshold" column to Manufacturing Central.
- Order BOM variations by menu_order if exists.
- Use the "Days to reorder" setting specified for Manufacturing Central.
- Added "Attributes" and "Advanced" tabs to BOM products.
- Added ATUM 1.4.9 compatibility.
- Fixed issue that was showing BOM products in Manufacturing Central when filtering by supplier.
- CSS fixes.
- Added sticky table headers to Manufacturing Central.
- Added "Search in Column" feature to Manufacturing Central.
- Fixed WooCommerce 3.0.0 compatibility issue.
- Clean up ajax product search results before returning them.
- Added Unmanaged Products counters.
- Added uninstall tasks.
- Allow linking BOM variations to products.
- Added "weight" column to Manufacturing Central.
- Fixed bug when creating BOM type terms.
- Fixed "Is Purchasable" button group.
- Refactory.
- CSS fixes.
- Added Variable Product Parts and Variable Raw Materials.
- Added compatibility for BOM variations.
- Added filter to Stock Central to show only BOM related products.
- Show "stock status" field when the WC's manage stock is disabled in BOM products.
- Added item cost for each item in the BOM list.
- Added Purchase Price Sync of the main product from all BOM attached.
- Added icons for variable BOMs.
- Added new option to Settings to choose between real or unitary BOM cost in BOM line items.
- Fixed issue when cutting strings with non standard characters.
- Fix to prevent integer conversion of stock quantity in some classes.
- Fixed some filters that were not applied in Front End.
- Fixed BOM fields within variations.
- CSS fixes.
- Refactory.
- Added Totals row to Manufacturing Central.
- Added ATUM Locations tree column to Manufacturing Central.
- Added the new columns to the Manufacturing Central's help tab.
- Changed support links.
- Applied new style for ATUM custom fields.
- Fixed ATUM 1.4.2 compatibility.
- Fixed JS for variation item quantity.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Refactory.
- Fixed old WPML access to Helpers ATUM class.
- Fixed SQL error on Manufacturing Central when accessing products in low stock status.
- Adapted new ATUM stock management system to Product Levels.
- Updated Manufacturing Central's help tab content.
- Added WPML compatibility.
- Fixed Bom Tree popup’s spinner animation.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Refactory.
- Fixed BOM tree button on Stock Central page.
- Added compatibility with ATUM 1.4.0.
- Fixed BOM hierarchy column name.
- Screen ID parameter management for BOM data export.
- Added Supplier SKU column to Manufacturing Central.
- Allow searching BOM products by Supplier SKU.
- Added suppliers info to the Manufacturing Central’s help tab.
- Added hook to be able to customise the title length in MC list.
- Show a notice if ATUM is not installed or enabled.
- Check whether ATUM is installed and active before loading.
- Record nested BOM products once a WC order is processed.
- Fixed the insufficient BOM popup showing in Stock Central page.
- Fixed the insufficient BOM popup running on purchase price changes in Manufacturing Central.
- Added data export feature to Manufacturing Central.
- Added BOM meta box to BOM products to allow nested BOMs.
- Added hierarchy column to Manufacturing Central to see the BOM's hierarchy tree.
- Avoid AJAX errors when a non-existing BOM is still linked to any product.
- Added sellable BOM feature.
- Allow setting all the products as sellable at once or individually.
- Improved compatibility with ATUM 1.3.0.
- Added "Inbound Stock" column to "Manufacturing Central".
- Added the "Purchase Price" column to "Manufacturing Central".
- Ability to sort by "Total in Warehouse" column in Manufacturing Central table.
- Fixed list table columns' sorting.
- Fixed issue with Low Stock indicator in materials that were part of a variation product.
- Fixed issue with materials' stock not being reduced.
- Other minor fixes.
- Manufacturing Central column name changes.
- Updated the Manufacturing Central help section.
- Fixed Manufacturing Central's stock calculations.
` =
- Fixed issue that was causing linked materials dissapearing after saving variation products.
- Fixed issue with floating numbers on linked materials' quantity box.
- Check the installed ATUM version before registering the add-on.
- Fixed issue with empty ATUM List Tables.