Version 1
- Updated eslint config.
- Updated dev dependencies.
- Disabled platform check on composer.
- Replaced modals library.
- Fixed deprecation warnings from Sass compiler.
- Added eslint config.
- Updated JS dependencies.
- Fixed query error when searching by username.
- Log WC orders when processed through the Store API.
- Refactoring.
- Check if variable is an array before processing it.
- Fixed check order before saving.
- Fixed display status slug if not found in PO statuses.
- Fixed logs when edit multiple inventories at same time from Stock Central.
- Added new "requires plugins" clause.
- Improved ATUM CLI tools registration.
- Avoid errors when product does not exist in POs logs.
- Fixed error when product item doesn't exist.
- Fixed jQuery deprecations.
- Fixed warning when logging new coupon creation.
- Added logs for Produce Items.
- Refactoring.
- Text change.
- Display formatted product name in logs.
- Check for previous stock levels before adjusting order items values.
- Added pagination args for logs results.
- Updated sweetAlert2 + modal styling improvements.
- Updated dependencies.
- Refactoring.
- Updated jQuery types.
- Fixed logs remover tool.
- Allow having 2 ATUM list tables on the same page.
- Refactoring.
- Prevent getting the PO status from WP_Product object.
- Added low_stock_threshold_by_inventory property log.
- Upgraded to webpack 5.
- Modernized gulpfile.
- Required node 18.
- Adjusted gulpfile config for webpack 5.
- Refactoring.
- Adjusted Action Logs menu item order.
- Added the upgrade class to record the current Action Logs version on the db.
- Added log for Stock Takes settings.
- Added icons to ATUM Icon Font.
- Added old & new stock to delivery items log.
- Added log for Pick & Pack status change.
- Uninstall hook refactoring.
- Refactoring.
- Delay the addons integrations until all of them have been loaded.
- Text changes.
- Adapted the logs list row actions to the new version.
- Adjusted logs for returning POs.
- Fixed PO settings log slug.
- Prevent error when a non-variable product fires the save variation method.
- Fixed log for product stock levels when updating an order status manually.
- Avoid logging duplicated or fake new items in orders.
- Added Stock Takes and Pick & Pack integrations.
- Log when creating new Stock Take.
- Logs when trashing/untrashing/deleting Stock Takes.
- Logs when reconciling Stock Takes.
- Log when creating new Picking List.
- Logs when trashing/untrashing/deleting Picking List.
- Logs when exporting Picking List to PDF.
- Log when packing items.
- Log when completing order from picking list.
- Log when completing picking list.
- Added hook to be able to prevent uninstalling tasks.
- Logs for stock levels changes after reconcile Stock Take.
- Fixed support variations in log for pack items.
- Added deactivation tasks.
- Added support for ATUM trials.
- Make sure a product exists before saving it.
- Change save variations hook priority.
- PO PRO's Delivery & Invoice attribute refactoring.
- Moved HPOS compatibility checker.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed log for variations stock changes.
- Fixed check previous stock levels for products in an order.
- Fixed hook name.
- Refactory ListTable array in scripts.
- Updated composer files.
- Updated minimum WC version.
- Add full compatibility with the new WooCommerce's HPOS tables.
- Updated JS dependencies and require node 16.
- Changed menu order.
- Refactoring.
- Clean assets dir before compiling.
- Avoid generating multiple logs when adding a new order item in a new order.
- Avoid to log assignment to product for unregistered attributes without values.
- Refactoring.
- Updated minimum version requirements.
- Fixed function name.
- Fixed warning when creating new product attributes.
- Fixed warnings when adding attributes without values to products.
- Added log when changing MI stock levels.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed log for MI stock levels.
- Removed wrong class from source dropdown.
- Allow filtering the logs' list by the "System" user.
- Changed low stock name to restock status everywhere (for more clarity).
- Refactoring.
- Changed filter name.
- Fixed no results in logs when sorting by date/user.
- Changed outdated links to documentation.
- Avoid warnings creating inventory with single location.
- Register additional data in PO PRO email log.
- Updated minimum versions.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed the entries per page custom values not being saved on Logs List.
- Fixed action menu popovers.
- Fixed open log data script.
- Get default values for PO PRO fields at integration class.
- Collect fields when logging PO creation.
- Added log for PO approval.
- Added logs for inventory creation from modal, and order item inventory added to PO.
- Retrieve source request when logging inventory creation.
- Changed hook for logging AtumOrders status changes.
- Avoid logging status changed from autodraft.
- Always remove addon transient when uninstalling.
- Delete add-ons list transient when uninstalling.
- Type fix.
- Fixed multiple logs for PO status change.
- Fixed log for ATUM orders status changes.
- Added compatibility with disabled List Table columns.
- Log Atum Orders status changes.
- Fixed fake update log in PO delivery_date.
- Fixed warning when saving product data metaboxes.
- Added logs when editing PO PRO invoice items.
- Added log when cloning a PO in PO PRO.
- Ajax nonce names unification.
- Added missing option for new multi-checkbox field.
- Refactoring: renamed PO Premium to PO PRO.
- Provide jQuery with Webpack config to avoid conflicts with 3rd party plugins.
- Refactoring.
- Increased priority for the PO PRO meta box.
- Refactoring for the items per page in Logs List Table.
- Fixed popovers CSS warning.
- Fixed undefined variable.
- Fixed edited PO PRO delivery log.
- Fixed deprecated user attribute.
- Fixed log when deleting PO PRO invoice items.
- Log inventory changes from Stock Central.
- Added log for merged POs.
- Refactoring.
- Avoid using custom text entries when saving entry in database.
- Fixed wrong text domains.
- Fixed log changes for PO delivery items.
- Fixed error when editing delivery item inventory.
- Avoid error when logging delivery item inventories.
- Added log for PO PRO's invoice item removal.
- Hide trashed logs at addons request.
- Added more PO PRO's files entries.
- Log changes for every field in PO PRO.
- Open the unread tab when clicking the badge.
- Added support to log tool_sync_real_stock with parameters.
- Refactoring.
- Load the PO PRO Logs meta box entirely from Action Logs.
- Fixed bulk actions button not visible.
- Unread badge CSS fix.
- Fixed wrong text domains.
- Added action to avoid display columns id in Log Registry.
- Log PO requisitioner and status changes (PO PRO compatibility).
- Log currency changes on POs (PO PRO compatibility).
- Added param entry type with separate words without quotes.
- Show values and remove fields quotes in PO internal logs (PO PRO compatibility).
- Added logs for PO deliveries created and removed (PO PRO compatibility).
- Added log for adding delivery items to stock (PO PRO compatibility).
- Added logs when editing/removing delivery items (PO PRO compatibility).
- Added log when adding files to POs (PO PRO compatibility).
- Added logs when creating/removing/editing PO invoices (PO PRO compatibility).
- Added support for Action Logs tools when using the new ATUM's WP-CLI commands.
- Log the BOM stock quantity when added to a new order.
- Log Registry extends from AtumListPage.
- Set per_page after calling parent construct.
- Use global constant instead of string.
- Refactoring.
- Regenerated the composer's autoload.
- Fixed wrong doc params.
- Fixed wrong logs when no changes were made in a PO.
- Fixed unchanged dates logs.
- Fixed untracked emails log.
- Fixed wrong text domains.
- Added integration with Purchase Orders PRO.
- Added logs for New Suppliers fields.
- Updated ATUM icon font.
- Fixed item inventories logged though MI is inactive.
- Fixed PHP warning when creating PO.
- Fixed PHP warning when saving an EP template.
- Added log for the clear ATUM transients tool.
- Collect inventory info on BOMs logs.
- Log BOM order items quantities separately at Orders, ILs and POs.
- Changed hook name.
- Fixed duplicated lines when searching in Log Registry.
- Fixed check setting on first save (clean installation).
- Added MI product fields to action logs.
- Allow disabling the Action Logs API when the ATUM API module is off.
- Log for show_out_of_stock_inventories property changes on products.
- Added missing request object on preview data before saving product.
- Changed hook name.
- Fixed warning when log removed wc order from inventory log.
- Updated JS dependencies.
- Ensure the order item exist before log the remove action.
- Prevent log when adding a non product line order item to an order.
- Fixed error when adding a wrong product to a WC order.
- Fixed error when logging product order's item updates at PO/IL and receiving a non-product item.
- Added full RTL languages compatibility.
- Updated dependencies + use WebPack 4.
- Changes to dark mode colours.
- Fixed warning when receiving empty values.
- Ensure a post exists before saving an order.
- Hook name change.
- Prevent undefined index if no taxes were created.
- Ensure it’s being used the correct order table for inventory items.
- Fixed refund field name.
- Fixed order post_type.
- Fixed enable/disable variation products.
- Fixed methods by checking product.
- Fixed API exception when adding order item.
- Use the new Menu Actions component for Logs list actions.
- Upgraded popovers and tooltips to Bootstrap 5.
- Fixed empty template data warning.
- Unify how the existence of products is checked.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed unvalid format date to use new relative date helper.
- Fixed all the jQuery deprecations until version 3.5.
- Do not load the ATUM Order items when not needed to improve performance.
- Use the new relative_date helper.
- Use the new AtumAdminNotices component when showing notices.
- Updated SweetAlert2 dependency.
- Refactoring.
- CSS fixes.
- Check valid order type.
- Log inventory changes from API request.
- Added ATUM order items' hook.
- Added methods for logging add/remove notes in ATUM orders.
- Log for added new item to ATUM order from API request.
- Logs for Suppliers from API requests.
- Tools execution log through API request.
- Log add line item from API request.
- Log updated order line items from API request.
- Log start import template in Export PRO.
- Log products and BOMs stock levels changes.
- Recursive BOM stock levels check.
- Set min node version to 14 and added jquery as webpack external.
- Added support for ES2017 to tsconfig.json.
- Fixed undeclared variable notice.
- Prevent same logs from being fired at same time.
- Fixed duplicated logs.
- Fixed Export PRO entity log data saving.
- Fixed order items in PL's log method.
- Log stock levels' changes on adding product to manual order.
- Added logs for ATUM/WC API Requests.
- Log product data and WC orders from API requests.
- Log variations changes from API requests.
- Inventories' API logs.
- Show product name in entry description when adding product item to order.
- Show log dates in WP Timezone.
- Save log dates as GMT.
- Action icons always visible in logs list.
- Refactoring.
- Prevent duplicate order creation log.
- Fixed missing attribute label at variable product.
- Prevent missing params on modified entries.
- Fixed relative dates' timezone.
- Fixed index name in logs remover tool.
- Create logs when saving a product through the "Quick Edit" feature.
- Prevent warning when product had no previous locations.
- Fixed wrong variable name.
- Fixed popover arrow CSS.
- Fixed datepicker not showing translated weekdays according to the users' locale.
- Logs datetimezone set at default server config.
- Fixed issues with Multi-Inventory.
- Fixed Export PRO template name that can be absent.
- Log deleting meta from order items at WC Orders/POs/ILs.
- Added extra fields for product reviews log.
- Prevent WP_Error if template_id is not returned by Export PRO.
- Log variation create in two steps.
- Log stock levels only if the order status has changed.
- Fixed "mi_write_off_inventory" hook params.
- Fixed wrong data when using BOMs in orders.
- Fixed old_stock & new_stock values on logging stock levels update.
- Logs remover tool if checkbox is checked.
- Fixed order totals calc log.
- Added names for every ID fields in log data.
- Log BOM changes within variation products.
- Create log when removing note from ATUM Orders.
- Log adding/removing product attribute values.
- Log changes for "menu_order" and "enable_reviews" in products.
- Log for template download.
- Check active ATUM modules before loading hooks.
- Log for the customer provided note in orders.
- Log for product reviews.
- Logs for removing meta from order items in Orders, POs & ILs.
- Log for adding single variation.
- Handle additional terms by typing '+' when searching for logs.
- Removed "atum/purchase_orders/can_reduce_order_stock" filter.
- Removed "atum/settings/defaults" filter.
- Normalizing hook names.
- Replaced "wp_ajax" hook to action hooks for SC set locations.
- Replaced "wc_ajax" hook to action hook in SC bulk actions.
- Replaced "wp_ajax" hook to action hook in SC/MC export_data.
- Joined ajax hooks into action hook to log ATUM Orders status changes.
- Rebuilt log for adding Atum Order Product Item.
- Replaced "wp_ajax" hook to action hook when note added in Atum Orders action hooks for logs when adding shipping cost/fees.
- Replaced "wp_ajax" hook to action hook to log when tax is added to an ATUM Order.
- Replaced "wp_ajax" hook to action hook when saving order items.
- Replaced "wp_ajax" hooks to action hooks for log when removing order items.
- Replaced "wp_ajax" hook to action hook for purchase price action log.
- Replaced "wp_ajax" hook to action hook when note added in ATUM Orders.
- Replaced "wp_ajax" hooks to action hooks on tools execution logs.
- Added "check_ajax_referer" to remaining "wp_ajax" hooks.
- Replaced "wp_ajax" hooks to action hooks for log remove inventory and write-off actions.
- Changed hooks for ATUM Export PRO's ajax calls.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed log on product save checking if locations are empty.
- Prevent accessing non existing order items.
- Fixed empty row classes.
- Fixed hook name.
- Fixed "inventory_id" reference.
- Fixed "get_post_type" when calling WC Orders.
- Fixed order email notification logs.
- Fixed logs for template export.
- Fixed log for variations removal.
- Fixed run export log.