Version 1
- Added supplier check when importing order items to ATUM orders.
- Removed unused enqueue script method.
- Remove the abstract declaration to the 'get_labels' function in the AtumOrderPostType class to prevent incompatibilities with older add-ons.
- Standardize a common uploads folder for all the ATUM plugins.
- Add to the ATUM Orders post types searching of several terms in products and metas.
- Changed SCSS variable.
- Added Barcodes Pro icon to ATUM assets.
- Updated minimum PHP version to 7.4.
- Refactoring.
- Added missing paginable collections.
- Make sure the sales props cron is registered after changing any of its options from settings.
- Remove automatic transients deletion cron.
- Move the MI and PL exportable settings endpoints to their corresponding add-ons.
- Add some padding to addons messages within modals.
- Reduce the check addons transient expiration.
- Adjusted exportable endpoints depending on active modules.
- Updated addons loader.
- Fixed ATUM attachments not displaying images.
- Fixed ATUM Orders post types "_load_textdomain_just_in_time" notice.
- Fixed add-ons "_load_textdomain_just_in_time" notice.
- Fixed variations post type on All variations API endpoint.
- Fixed API inbound stock controller returning an empty array if more than one row found when filtering.
- Avoid to update all the apply bulk buttons when several lists with bulk actions exist.
- Fixed min value for stock inputs with decimals.
- CSS fixes.
- Fixed some settings options not being exported through CRON jobs.
- Fixed marketing popup’s close button visibility issues.
- Fixed duplicated products can be added to ATUM Orders before saving.
- Added new param for helping guides to be able to pass the source addon URL.
- Refactoring.
- Replaced modals library.
- Added Barcodes PRO addon entry to the addons paths list.
- Fixed overlapping icons on some setting fields.
- Added filter for order item name.
- Allow adding the help guide buttons to the screen options tabs.
- Support running JS code before loading help guide steps.
- Allow filtering the help guides externally.
- Do not allow adding duplicated barcodes.
- New marketing popup for the Barcodes PRO add-on launch.
- Added filter at PO API to allow adding extra data keys.
- Allow CORS for ATUM App's web version.
- Updated composer dependencies.
- Updated eslint config.
- Updated dev dependencies.
- Text changes.
- Moved the list tables help guide to a screen options tab.
- Disabled platform check on composer.
- Do not clone the product barcode when duplicating a product.
- Handle errors when saving ATUM orders.
- Refactoring.
- Add the get_sold_last_days filter to the get sold today column calcs.
- Added parent status criteria to product search in order to exclude variations from draft variables.
- Include the delete transients execution in the CRON.
- Removed WC navigation references.
- Fixed product variations permission callback.
- Fixed not instantiated variable.
- Fixed SCSS deprecation messages.
- Fixed wrong tax calculation in REST API when creating a PO and price includes taxes.
- Fixed select today date in atum-datepicker from other time zones.
- Fixed deprecation warnings from new Sass compiler.
- Allow filtering Stock Inbound columns programmatically.
- Added eslint config.
- Add filter for on hold WC Orders statuses.
- Allow filtering the default search fields in AtumListTable programmatically.
- Include disabled variations in IL and PO searches.
- Avoid to check product when product item is empty (for items with deleted products) in AtumOrders API requests.
- Round prices shown in Stock Central depending on the WC settings.
- Updated JS dependencies.
- Refactoring.
- Do not allow to add duplicated products to ATUM Orders.
- Removed decimals limit when displaying purchase price in product meta boxes.
- Moved WooPayments restriction method to Hooks class.
- Increased number of digits for products in stock widget.
- Prevent ATUM orders and suppliers' JS from failing if the WPML lang dropdown isn't found.
- Fixed deprecation message in Inbound Stock list for some products.
- Fixed wrong posts table.
- Fixed posts table not included in SQL sentence when searching.
- Prevent saving wrong "from" and "to" sales meta fields.
- Prevent changing the ATUM Order author when updating.
- Fixed only one variation per variable is copied to PO when multiple variants are included in a WC Order.
- Fixed sales last days when filtering by GMT dates.
- Show the custom supplier metadata in REST API requests.
- Added color constant.
- Allow passing extra data to bulk actions externally.
- Allow decimals on the supplier tax rate field.
- Allow decimals on the PO discount field.
- Added getter for id_views.
- Performance improvement: always use indexed dates on SQL queries.
- Added support for filtering ATUM entities by GMT and non-GMT dates when listing them through API.
- Added compatibility for application passwords to the ATUM API.
- Disable the WC reserve stock checking after ATUM has reserved the stock itself.
- Refactoring.
- Prevent trying to access emails if they aren’t set properly.
- Allow bypassing some items when adding sales order items to an ATUM order.
- Added the $loop variable to the atum_barcode_field filter.
- Prevent concatenating prefixes in searches for ATUM product data in Stock Central.
- Refactoring to avoid issues when getting ATUM Orders from REST API.
- Restrict the supplier's default discount and tax rate up to 2 decimals.
- Update ATUM Orders status meta to allow "trash" when moved to trash.
- Avoid error preparing PO item when purchase price is empty.
- Fixed ATUM Orders dates not being saved correctly.
- Fixed updating, creating ATUM orders through the REST API.
- Fixed caching issue when returning an ATUM order updated through REST API.
- Fixed ATUM order items not being updated through API.
- Fixed default ATUM item metadata isn't saved when inserting.
- Allow all the ATUM orders be restored to their previous status.
- Added product editor beta compatibility notice.
- Added support for custom fields meta box to Suppliers.
- Added missing fields to supplier controller in REST API.
- Updated minimum required PHP version.
- Updated dependencies.
- Text change.
- Refactoring.
- Removed "WP_CLI\Utils::describe_callable" method checking as Utils load later.
- CSS adjustments for Sweetalert.
- Fixed check refund order when "chg_stock_order_complete" setting is enabled.
- Fixed meta key when filtering by low stock threshold in List Tables.
- Fixed font color in large variation names in Stock Central.
- Fixed jQuery deprecations.
- Fixed "load_plugin_textdomain" relative path to languages folder.
- Fixed settings page loading.
- Fixed supplier's assigned user not possible to set empty.
- Fixed background handling for marketing popup.
- Fixed add-ons installation + activation in one step.
- Added the new "requires plugins" clause supported on WP6.5+.
- Fixed best sellers filter in Stock Central.
- Fixed wrong lang folder passed when loading the text domain.
- Fixed widget text check.
- Fixed is API request check.
- Enhanced ATUM Orders searches.
- Allow filtering the available ATUM order type IDs.
- Added marketing popup for Pick&Pack launch.
- Added filter to list/table counters transient params.
- Added abstract base class for the Reserve Stock.
- Refactoring.
- Moved all the stock decimals code to its own class.
- Updated marketing popup CSS.
- Help guide adjustments.
- Skip all WP-CLI logic on non-WP-CLI requests.
- Updated addons loader.
- Fixed wrong count of decimal places.
- Fixed WP_CLI environment checking.
- Search orders by column improvements.
- Updated math.js dependency.
- Fixed avoid to add zeros to integers in stock quantity step attribute.
- Use "any" when 0 is set for step in stock decimals.
- Fixed orders search by column component when there are multiple cols to search in.
- Fixed wrong PHP operator used.
- Fixed AtumAsssets class not found.
- Added ATUM barcodes support to all compatible product types.
- Removed unneeded CSS.
- Updated marketing popup.
- Fixed inputs min & step when decimals is greater than step.
- Fixed barcode field visibility.
- Allow to manage bulk actions from addons.
- Trigger JS hook after executing a bulk action successfully.
- Refactoring.
- Change help text.
- Updated sweetAlert2 + modal styling improvements.
- Updated dependencies.
- CSS adjustments.
- Added deprecated method name for backwards compatibility.
- Removed name attribute from List Tables bulk actions select to avoid conflicts when embedding them.
- Updated jQuery types.
- Change suppliers selector placeholder on POs.
- Removed p tag from ATUM order item meta values.
- Fixed sanitization for barcode_type.
- Fixed wrong status included in on hold filters.
- Ensure JS math operators are numeric.
- Apply purchase price when creating a new PO item through API.
- Make sure a passed arg is scalar before converting it to string.
- Fixed ATUM product fields length on screens wider than 1280px.
- Fixed ATUM order item custom meta not showing until reloading the page.
- Allow having 2 ATUM list tables on the same page.
- Added method to check an ATUM CPT existence.
- Allow setting multiple localized vars if there are more than one list tables present.
- Allow resetting the bulk action fields externally.
- Refactoring.
- Control when a bulk action is executed externally.
- Added id to JS List Tables.
- Fixed stock qty input is hidden when stock decimals > 0 and step = 1.
- Fixed wrong ATUM stock status when stock decimals are set.
- Fixed show/hide buttons when selecting items in ATUM orders.
- Fixed check stock status for products with decimal stock.
- Avoid to restock refunded items when order is not completed and the setting chg_stock_order_complete is enabled.
- CSS fixes.
- Added filters to Settings to be able to add custom fields externally.
- Show the user how to access a help guide after closing an auto-guide.
- Added UOM methods to the ATUM Product trait.
- Allow saving UOM product props.
- Added infoPopover JS component.
- Added typings to popoverBase JS component.
- Allow tooltips on BOM tree items.
- Added "low_stock_threshold_by_inventory" property to product data.
- Upgraded to webpack 5.
- Modernized gulpfile.
- Added new JS utility function.
- Improved number formatting and decimals calculations JS functions.
- Added barcode support to Suppliers.
- Added listTable param to children args filter.
- Created new AtumCPTModel abstract class.
- Added new get_data method.
- CSS adjustments.
- Disable the marketing popup while an auto-guide is running.
- Refactoring.
- Added strict comparison param.
- ATUM popovers refactoring.
- Updated addons loader.
- Do not select a tree item when clicking its node.
- Adjusted tree component styling.
- Removed the "show filters" button.
- Added spacer CSS.
- Required node 18.
- Adjusted webpack 5 configuration.
- Updated mPDF dependency to 8.2.0.
- Make white the List tables PDF export background.
- Support rgb/rgba colors in hex2rgb converter.
- Updated JS dependencies.
- Adjusted ATUM menu items order.
- Removed deprecated ES6 polyfill support.
- Delayed registering scripts until they are safe to be registered.
- Store the license as active if it’s going to be activated in the server.
- Prevent JS function from load if an element does not exist.
- CSS fix.
- Fixed select2 CSS styling overrides.
- Fixed JS tree icons when jQuery UI CSS is loaded.
- Fixed settings footer logo overlapping at load.
- PHP 8 compatibility adjustments.
- Fixed tooltip reloads on list table cells with images.
- Added missing namespace.
- Fixed popover left arrow styles.
- Fixed stock status for products with decimal stock under 1.
- Added suppliers lang twig template.
- Added prop to the AtumOrderModel to know whether its items were read.
- CSS adjustments.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed incompatibility with WP Activity Log that was preventing addon licenses from being activated.
- Added new hooks to PO PDF template.
- Added extra param to increase totals filter.
- CSS adjustments.
- Show warning when the user has upgraded to full and still has the trial installed.
- Refactoring.
- Do not show the extend trial button on the "trial_used" error.
- Adjusted layout for the addons page.
- Prevent SQL notice in PO search products query.
- Fixed variations not returned in PO products search query.
- Fixed wrong method calling params.
- Ensure the timestamp is an integer.
- Fixed trial licenses disappearing occasionally.
- Fixed delete attachment button not being added until the product is saved.
- Refactoring: code style.
- Fixed occasional cache issue when saving ATUM Settings.
- Fixed wrong array_key_exists params on AddonsLoader class.
- Allow text inputs on tools.
- Added hook in calculated props tool.
- Performance improvement: added cache to get_atum_order_model helper.
- Updated addons loader.
- Updated ATUM icons font.
- Changed minimum PO PRO version required.
- Fixed stock values widget query.
- CSS fixes.
- Fixed link on update message shown on addons page.
- Added barcode_type prop support to products.
- Added new action after the barcode field.
- Allow clearing the supplier for all the variations at once through the utility.
- Added barcode support to product tags.
- Added new filter to the is_module_active function.
- Added tooltip to addons versions badges.
- Show notices on plugins rows within the plugins list table.
- Added filters before loading AtumBarcodes hooks.
- Allow more notice types on the addNotice JS utility.
- Added new SearchOrdersByColumn component.
- Added searchOrders script.
- Added new component for ATUM help guides.
- Added filter to avoid adding stock to totals in ListTables.
- Added filter for join and where clauses in search products function.
- Added wpml_lang meta to ATUM Orders.
- Added filter to ATUM Orders' localized vars.
- Added lang dropdown to PO (full WPML compatibility).
- RowActions JS component improvements.
- Added restrictions to input numbers within edit popovers.
- Read the atum product data column names for the WPML product duplication.
- Refactoring.
- Do not require the "default" option on multi_checkbox settings fields.
- Exclude columns from product data when inserting WPML translation in database.
- Ensure product data columns exist before insert WPML translation.
- Include translations when calculating the inbound stock.
- Refactoring.
- Removed searching product with no supplier assigned from PO free.
- Removed unneeded HTML element.
- Added new marketing popup.
- Removed paragraphs from help guide texts.
- Hide the row actions button when no actions are available.
- Added missing fields to queries when duplicating product for translation.
- Fixed atum fields sizing on mobiles.
- Fixed row actions styling on ATUM list tables.
- Fixed date format on the add-ons page.
- CSS fixes for the addons page layout.
- Prevent the check order prices button from loading on single order page when HPOS is enabled.
- Fixed dragscroll clicks working when no link is directly clicked.
- Fixed order id retrieval when HPOS is enabled.
- Fixed searchInColumn field tooltip not updating when changing column.
- Fixed settings page CSS.
- Fixed unsupported get_product_translations_ids integer.
- CSS fixes.
- Fixed non-existing method.
- Fixed SearchOrdersByColumn script not loading when necessary.
- Fixed wrong margin in export tables reports.
- Fixed filters that weren't added in some cases.
- Fixed current stock value widget including bundled optional items only.
- Fixed query incompatible with mysql/mariadb.
- Fixed bundled optional products' query in stock widget.
- Added support for the new ATUM Barcodes PRO add-on.
- Updated composer dependencies.
- Refactoring.
- Remove deprecated ATUM CRON jobs.
- Get rid of deprecated ATUM queues when cheking them.
- Fixed attachment thumb for non-image files.
- Show the correct tab title on the settings page.
- Added new ATUM icons font.
- Removed wrong quote in expandable rows that was causing the PDF export to fail.
- Fixed trial licenses being removed automatically.
- Allow loading JS dependencies to AtumAdminModals.
- Show the install button if a license is saved but the addon not installed yet.
- Do not show install buttons to users with no permissions.
- Send addon slug to the Updater.
- Refactoring.
- Check for errors returned from the activation API.
- Make sure the as_unschedule_all_actions function exists before using it.
- Addons loader modifications.
- Disable the license key input on ajax requests.
- Do not show an update message on the addons page when is not installed.
- Deactivate the addons before uninstalling them with the auto-installer.
- Fixed expired trials modal.
- Fixed trial extension on the addons page.
- Handle the API response correctly when extending a trial.
- Fixed auto-installer success URL redirection.
- Fixed expiration date when extending a trial.
- New ATUM premium add-ons trials available.
- New style and features for the add-ons page.
- Added trial licenses support.
- Added trials expiration modals and notices.
- New addons loader system.
- Added filter to allow adding the Export Data tab to post type tables.
- Added AtumNotifications extra params for settings display.
- Allow adding extra fieldsets to export data script.
- Added method to clear permanent ATUM admin notices.
- Include SKU field when searching in the Inbound Stock list.
- Add description to the PO when it is created via API.
- Added sidebar to the addons page.
- Added grid view mode to addons page.
- Added alert when the addons list couldn't be retrieved.
- Performance improvement.
- Added add-ons auto-installer component.
- Return check queues action to the frontend.
- Clean up wrong ATUM keys when updating.
- Refactoring.
- Remove addons with no key from the keys option.
- Get rid of legacy recurring actions still scheduled.
- Filter out select fields to enhance on post type lists.
- Force display country in PO ship-to info.
- SKU shouldn't be editable on the Inbound Stock list.
- Delay the ATUM capabilities registration.
- Include data atts filter for expandable rows.
- Check whether the WP transient exists before cehcking versions.
- Allow setting empty value for wc_country settings fields.
- Fixed contributors data within the premim add-ons' view details popup.
- Fixed wrong text domains.
- Fixed alert style on settings page when the settings cannot be displayed.
- Fixed large product names in PO PDF template.
- CSS fixes.
- Fixed multi-checkbox field when no checkboxes are checked.
- Fixed get_keys method when a trial name is passed.
- Fixed barcode length checking.
- Script router prepared for managing multiple list tables.
- Fixed trying to access empty license properties.
- Added global order type table id for pick & pack orders.
- New styling for the add-ons page.
- Updated marketing popup.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed wrong SQL delimeter.
- Fixed SML link.
- Avoid script error when multiple listtables are loaded.
- Make sure the post is already existing before assigning the ATUM Order description.
- Add isotope layout dependencies.
- Added support for custom meta data to the ATUM Orders API endpoints.
- Allow auto-dismissing admin notices shown via JS.
- Added a expand/collapse all rows button to List Tables.
- Refactory ListTable array in scripts.
- Prevent saving an invalid addon license.
- Allow accessing to filterData at list-table scripts.
- Updated composer files.
- Ensure all atum addon names are stored lower case in the licenses setting.
- Refactoring.
- Pass an extra param to external columns calling in List Tables.
- Ensure WP_Query objects are set.
- Removed unused import.
- Removed debugging code.
- Make sure the new HPOS class exists before checking it.
- Updated minimum WC version.
- Added link to the ATUM’s Youtube channel when the videos couldn’t be loaded.
- Do not auto-create a Log or PO when instantating the model.
- Remove non-legacy unnused functions.
- Check if function exists before calling it.
- When applying filters, controlled products appear in the uncontrolled products view and they appear repeated.
- Fixed the dragScroll opacity blocks visibility under some scenarios.
- Fixed wrong initial date created on ATUM Orders.
- Dashboard widget fix: if there are no decimals, the comma is removed.
- Fixed ATUM Orders API endpoints after WC HPOS.
- Performance improvement: prevent querying for the nex scheduled action twice.
- Check if the recurring hooks are queued only on the admin side.
- Exclude adding to PO and IL variation products if they are disabled.
- Refactoring.
- Dashboard widgets: do not show a comma if there are no decimals, show whole number.
- Readded renamed function as deprecated for compatibility with old versions.
- Add full compatibility with the new WooCommerce's HPOS tables.
- Add JS hook after selecting items in SC.
- Allow disable editing on some List Tables.
- Refactoring.
- Show the List Table filters even if the table has no bulk actions.
- Show all attribute names for variations in List Tables.