Version 1
- Added eslint config.
- Updated JS dependencies.
- Replaced modals library.
- Disabled platform check on composer.
- Fixed SCSS deprecation messages.
- Refactoring.
- Prevent getting NULL meta keys from the database.
- Fixed the imported image is duplicated if both, URL and ID aren't provided.
- Added new "requires plugins" clause.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed jQuery deprecations.
- Updated sweetAlert2 + modal styling improvements.
- Updated dependencies.
- Refactoring.
- Updated minimum node version.
- Updated jQuery types.
- Text change.
- Fixed import name.
- Allow having 2 ATUM list tables on the same page.
- Updated PHP dependencies.
- Refactoring.
- Added low_stock_threshold_by_inventory field.
- Upgraded to webpack 5.
- Modernized gulpfile.
- Refactoring.
- CSS improvements.
- Required node 18.
- Adjusted gulpfile config for webpack 5.
- Updated composer dependencies to support PHP 8.2.
- Removed deprecated ES6 polyfill support.
- Reload import center after cancelling an import.
- Fixed responsive for the getting started view.
- Fixed responsive for the export center.
- Fixed the responsive for the import center.
- CSS fixes.
- Prevent error when importing POs.
- Fixed js error in console while importing data.
- Delete the Export PRO addon status transient when upgrading.
- Remove unneeded code.
- Prevent error when the query for export templates fails.
- Added support for PO PRO.
- Added PO PRO templates.
- Added the barcode field to inventories.
- Uninstall hook refactoring.
- Do not check for minimum versions when registering the add-on.
- Refactoring.
- Changed ATUM order item fields order.
- Try to find the original term if term_id was specified.
- Adapted template list row actions to the new version.
- Fixed wrong field names in PO PRO integration.
- Prevent errors until PO PRO is available.
- Fix wrong field comparison.
- Added hook to be able to prevent uninstalling tasks.
- Allow backorders field int and string values when importing MI.
- Changed MI known field expiry_days for expiry_threshold.
- Fixed forgotten break clause.
- Fixed wrong values set for secondary inventories' allow backorders field.
- Added PO Extended fields.
- Added the reset default templates tool.
- Allow calculated fields in the parent entity.
- Added support for Action Logs exports.
- Added Action Logs default template.
- Define PO PRO's Deliveries and Invoices custom meta.
- Added deactivation tasks.
- Export URL files.
- Export Invoice files URLs.
- Add PO PRO's Deliveries and Invoices templates.
- Added support for ATUM trials.
- Ensure Sitem has property.
- Refactoring for default templates creation.
- Return the default templates at the top on lists.
- Removed unused references.
- Set the proper serialized field.
- Launch notice when trying to import calculated fields.
- Refactoring.
- Moved HPOS compatibility checker.
- Limit the meta_keys shown in order items.
- Remove atum order inventories from Deliveries and Inventories subentities.
- Fixed SML links.
- Fixed importable templates list empty.
- Fixed wrong text domain.
- Fixed serialized fields won't be converted to JSON.
- Fixed hook name.
- Fix frong field name.
- Added Barcode subentities.
- Added some missing product props.
- Allow updating previously imported products by their original ID.
- Add forbidden fields to product data export.
- Updated composer files.
- Refactoring.
- Disable WC Orders entity if HPOS is enabled.
- Fixed typo.
- Fix undefined array key if taxonomy terms are not properly formatted.
- Updated JS dependencies and require node 16.
- Updated tsconfig
- Refactoring.
- Clean assets dir before compiling.
- Added missing fields not defined for ATUM Product Data exports.
- Allow bool operator in taxonomies filters.
- Allow filtering template values.
- Prevent accessing undefined array element.
- Fixed filter order not being respected.
- Fixed unneeded closing left bracket.
- Recalculate tax terms counters after the importing process.
- Set proper escap character to the CSV.
- Make the preview export overlay to meet the screen 100% width.
- Fix inventory created in some cases even if the update with no insert options are selected.
- Fixed attributes identified by slug not being imported.
- Added "not records found" message to preview export modal.
- Refactoring.
- Removed Laravel formatter dependencies.
- Try to unserialize unknown meta values when importing.
- Update dependencies.
- Changed low stock name to restock status everywhere (for more clarity).
- Removed YAML dependencies.
- Added "is_expired" MI field.
- Added our own Array Parser extending the soapbox one.
- Added our own JSON parser (needed decoding as an array).
- Changed dependencies to support PHP 8.
- Refactoring.
- Removed BOM in CSV files is set.
- Removed BOM from keys.
- Updated the minimim PHP version required to 7.4.0.
- Fixed PHP 8.1 deprecated notice.
- Fixed wrong hooks names.
- Updated minimum versions.
- Changed insert/update CSS colors.
- Hide the Insert new items switch by default.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed action menu popvers.
- Allow importing variable products with more than one attribute.
- Added prefix and suffix concatenation.
- Always remove addon transient when uninstalling.
- Delete add-ons list transient when uninstalling.
- Moved the post type after import row action into the try catch clause.
- Throw exception when processing variation if the variable product doesn't exist.
- Prevent duplicate queries.
- Fixed param type.
- Added uninstall tasks so all the ATUM Export data can be cleaned up when uninstalling (if required).
- Performance improvement: temporarily cache the ATUM product when importing.
- Sync purchase prices after importing any BOM product (if enabled).
- Ajax nonce names unification.
- Moved UTC helper to ATUM.
- Provide jQuery with Webpack config to avoid conflicts with 3rd party plugins.
- Refactoring.
- Converted template get_hook_name method to static.
- Refactoring for the entries per page option in ATUM List Tables.
- Fixed popovers CSS warning.
- Fixed non-visible but required fields not being included in the query.
- Allow filtering taxonomies by IS NULL.
- Added relevant info to errors.
- Untracked package-lock.json.
- Fixed variations without post parent to not throw error.
- Added Main inventory's expired stock meta to the exportable MI fields.
- Export MI yes/no values as 1/0. Allow importing all these values.
- Updated JS dependencies.
- Refactoring.
- Added order inventories extra data field to the export.
- Commented debugging log.
- Fixed typo.
- Updated ATUM icon font.
- Fixed Main Inventory fields added to the export though the field is not visible.
- Fixed 0 value is taken as empty value when importing products.
- Fixed error thrown when exporting the will last column for Main Inventories.
- Fixed wrong value set to will last field for Main Inventories.
- Fixed PHP notices when a calculated field doesn't exist.
- Added magic getter to AtumExportEntity.
- Added row number to export preview.
- All the subentity meta to be added from hooks.
- Added purchase note to known meta's list.
- Added filter to allow preventing SSE messages.
- Allow template's non existing meta to be shown in the Export Center.
- Updated JS dependencies.
- Standardize XmlParser class file name.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed last template not being shown in the template's list.
- CSS fixes.
- Allow inserting linked BOMs with empty ID values.
- Added import log file.
- Updated neitanod forceutf8 dependency.
- Prevent importing inventories' meta data if the product doesn't exist.
- Limit the number of rows to show during the import process.
- Do not run some upgrade scripts when it's a fresh install.
- Updated dependencies + use WebPack 4.
- Removed console log.
- Allow linking/unlinking locations when importing.
- Added ability of linking subentities throgh a meta table's field.
- Accept name, slug or term_id in variation product_attributes field when importing.
- Added unescape option to product variations attributes' JSON.
- Changed taxonomies export format depending on whther the template is importable.
- Removed Action Scheduler dependency (will work only with WC version).
- Refactoring.
- Fixed gallery_name not defined if not product meta is present in the template.
- Fixed only first term taxonomy added if no control info is included.
- Fixed accessing template before setting Data Export.
- Ensure recurring exports are executed at the hour and minute set in the template.
- Added byte order mask to CSV exportation (Thanks Patrick!!).
- Refactoring.
- Added the wp-hooks dependency to ensure they are loaded by WordPress.
- Ensure all product attributes are JSON-encoded.
- Replaced switchery by a 100% CSS switcher.
- Add BIGINT UNSSIGNED to default int SQL data types (Thanks Patrick!!).
- Fixed export fields filter.
- Fixed delete template script.
- Changed templates' list buttons to the new Menu Actions component.
- Refactoring.
- Removed tooltip overflow behaviour bacause was not being used.
- Fixed reordering fields were setting all the positions to 0.
- Add Shipping Class and Expired Stock fields.
- Added 'is bom' field.
- Use the new AtumAdminNotices component when showing notices.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed all the jQuery deprecations until version 3.5.
- Allow filtering each exported row.
- Set min node version to 14 and added jquery as webpack external.
- Added no cache to the SSE calls.
- Added needed getters for some classes.
- Added support for ES2017 to tsconfig.json.
- Fixed popover arrow CSS.
- Fixed datepicker not showing translated weekdays according to the users' locale.
- Refactoring.
- Added support for variables' multiple price meta.
- Allow exporting refund orders.
- Added several refund fields' labels.
- Refactoring.
- Make MultiInventoryMeta ID not required.
- Ensure file transient is set in DEBUG mode.
- Updated minimum required versions.
- Performance Improvement: prevent seeking for each entity meta data fields when accessing the Getting Started screen.
- Refactoring.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed styling issue on Select2 components.
- Prevent sending the uploaded filename to the browser.
- Update products' calculated fields after an inventory is imported.
- Changed POs default template.
- Add ATUM classes to HTML select elements.
- Store all templates in an array.
- Added compatibility with latest field changes.
- Added new parameter after the template deleting hook.
- Add result counters to "after_import_rows" action.
- Prevent unwanted columns if no meta is selected.
- Fixed starting and ending double quotes not being imported.
- Typo fix.
- Minor CSS fixes.
- Allow taxonomies with hyphens within the slug.
- Added Main Inventory exporting to Multi-Inventory template.
- Identify undefined meta when importing.
- Added support for importing JSON-encoded fields.
- Added products info to MI exports.
- Added JSON compatibility for products' attributes.
- Added editorconfig.
- Added "is_taxonomy" method to be able to identify the taxonomy entities.
- Add the remaining required fields to the message when the import fails.
- Allow skipping template entities when importing.
- Prevent processing non-array product attributes.
- Changed the CSV escape character to the standard.
- Changed serialized values to JSON when exporting.
- Merge selected fields' default settings with field's preset settings.
- Remove required fields if the subentity isn't importable.
- Remove unwanted MI subentities from Order exports.
- Added new custom hooks to be able to create ATUM Logs.
- Add Featured Image as known meta.
- Improved the image importing script.
- Fixed some errors happening sometimes when importing inventories.
- Fixed some errors happening sometimes when importing Inventory Logs or Purchase Orders.
- Prevent the WC Orders importing from failing if the products were not previosuly created.
- Refactory.
- Removed forbidden PL fields from queries.
- Fixed empty serialized values weren't unserialized.
- Prevent product import error when processing some meta that have null values.
- Added capability to access ATUM export.
- Added support for converting dates when importing.
- Remove POs from entity list and from templates when the module is disabled.
- Remove suppliers from ATUM Product Data subentities when the module is disabled.
- Remove PO info from the Inventories data when the module is disabled.
- Remove IL module fields from export if disabled.
- Change default Orders template when upgrading.
- Fixed non working forbidden fields.
- Fixed wrong ATUM MI Meta's hook.
- Refresh product calculated fields after importing an order.
- Refresh product calculated fields after IL and PO imports.
- Avoid importing order MI items for no-MI products.
- CSS fixes.
- Moved the plugin desc links to ATUM.
- Added new Supplier model's fields support.
- Changed default Suppliers' template.
- Fixed wrong supplier fields' names.
- Refactory.
- Updated JS dependencies versions.
- Added error catching to template preview.
- Get rid of the ATUM_PREFIX constant from db table names to avoid issues.
- Added the premium support link to the plugin details on the plugins page.
- Allow exporting when a CRON is being executed from the frontend.
- Fixed known entities not properly created if MI is activated when executing CRON jobs.
- Avoid the same template to be exported if two CRON jobs are executed at the same time.
- Fixed non working export preview for non-existing templates.
- Prevent template from being called before assigning it.
- Fixed Datetime zone not being recognized if set as an offset.
- Refactory.
- CSS fixes.
- Upgraded to TypeScript 3.7.3.
- Hide fields marked as "do not import" in import log table.
- Overall responsive CSS adjustments.
- Template list now show dates in the server's timezone.
- Adjust template export settings to WP's timezone.
- Adjusted responsive styles for Import Log.
- Prevent not included defined meta from treated as new meta.
- Fixed wrong info in import log table when non mapped fields were set.
- CSS fixes.
- Refactory.
- Added price calculation after product import if needed.
- Added missing classes to composer's autoload.
- Added default value for nullable fields.
- Template list fixes for mobile view.
- Refactory.
- CSS fixes.
- Added several improvements to the export's UI on mobiles and tablets.
- CSS changes for accessibility (following WordPress 5.3 new styling).
- Prevent duplicated default templates added when upgrading.
- Fixed "Remove rule" button tooltip that was not removed when clicked.
- Fixed loaded template that wasn't respecting the required fields' order.
- Fixed non importable templates were showed in the import dropdown.
- Fixed non hierarchical taxonomies not allowing imports with only the name specified.
- Allow importing custom templates.
- Added forceUTF8 dependency. Now it supports any single byte encoding format and UFT-16, UTF-32 only as multi-byte format (with a valid BOM header).
- Added Multi Inventory's supplier name to MI export.
- Fixed wrong result in "Sales will last".
- Fixed upsells not working.
- Fixed non-taxonomy attribute values were not saved.
- Fixed images not imported when ID was specified.
- Fixed wrong join when filtering taxonomies.
- Added limit to table index when creating the templates table to avoid issue on some systems.
- Refactory.
- Allow exporting post images.
- Allow importing post images.
- Allow exporting calculated fields (stock will last).
- Templates exporting functionality (template importing still in progress).
- Keep a list of fields to import.
- Skip subentities without data and prevent to throw warnings.
- Added warnings if tax was not imported.
- Added supplier export (only the name) to ATUMProductData.
- Prevent errors if post type is not included in the Export.
- Prevent deleting default templates.
- Fixed duplicated field name that was causing wrong results.
- Prevent return surplus non imported fields.
- Fixed required parent entity fields not added on import.
- Fixed post content set empty when "updating" was not specified.
- Fixed inventory meta not saving the correct inventory id.
- Fixed negative conditions not applied properly in taxonomies.
- Fixed "in" and "not_in" filters where no being applied correctly.
- Refactory.
- The ATUM Import module is now available for everyone.
- Allow NULL values for non string fields.
- Allow selecting unknown meta.
- Updated gulpfile to work with Gulp 4.
- Allow template to be importable if it has non-importable subentities.
- Allow array messages in import logs.
- Separate server messages by lines.
- Added import type button group + dependency checker.
- Prevent processing non-current entity's subentities.
- Allow cancelling an importation from the user-side.
- Fixed Import allowing files without all the required fields set.
- Fixed wrong product_id and is_main comparation in Multi-Inventory templates.
- Prevent duplicating the main inventory.
- Prevent importing multi inventories with no product set.
- Fixed selected field name not being shown if too long.
- MI row fail if couldn't insert/update.
- Fixed cancel import button's behavior not being triggered when clicking it.
- Fixed wrong number of columns being added to the import log table on some cases.
- Fixed post_content not being imported.
- Fixed BOM data not being imported.
- Fixed wrong import settings being sent.
- Minor bug fixes.
- NEW Import module available for Beta testers. More info here:
- Added intermediate subentities checking in template is_importable.
- Added compatibility to CSV in Windows OS.
- Make post parent required in products.
- Added support for hierarchical taxonomies.
- Updated compatible PHP version.
- Updated JS dependencies.
- Updated gulpfile.
- Updated selected fields for default templates and marked them all as "importable".
- Added Supplier's name as required.
- Added custom names to selected fields that had identical names on the default templates.
- Added a new hook to alert other plugins that Export Pro has just activated.
- If Multi-Inventory is activated after the Export, create the MI template in that moment.
- Fixed enclosure to " instead of | for CSV format.
- Fixed Purchase Orders and Inventory Logs exports.
- Fixed Subentties' required fields were not properly checked when determining whether the template was importable.
- CSS fixes.
- Fixed SQL error on ATUM Orders' default template.
- Avoid failing when the Export is installed for the first time and the template table is not created yet.