Version 1
- Replaced modals library.
- Fixed Multi-Price item separated prices not being updated in Block Cart.
- Fixed product quantity in low sock notification when "low_stock_threshold_by_inventory" is disabled.
- Updated eslint config.
- Updated dev dependencies.
- Disabled platform check on composer.
- Fixed quantities for notifications when low stock threshold by inventory is disabled.
- Fixed SCSS deprecation messages.
- Fixed wrong multi_inventory field filtering when MI enabled globally.
- Prevent accessing ItemTotals if the item hasn't a valid product.
- Fixed deprecated Sass compiler warnings.
- Added eslint config.
- Include fee formula parsing to inventories flat shipping rate calculations.
- Added filter to allow adding data to inventories rows.
- Allow adding inventory order through REST request when using the store/checkout endpoint.
- Prevent Main Inventory's supplier from being shown at the product level in PDF Exports.
- Change cart widget price function priority to allow third parties hooks to work.
- Upgraded JS cookie dependency.
- Updated JS dependencies.
- Refactoring.
- Skip cache when preparing inventories for order item.
- Changed origin of on hold WC statuses.
- Avoid to bypass the visitor location in the Store API checkout (for WC blocks).
- Fixed JS cookie expiration attribute not being passed correctly in some cases.
- Convert cookie expiration string to integer to pass the correct var type.
- Fixed errors when trying to print a barcode if the field has no value.
- Added expanded class to inventories rows when the expandable rows setting is enabled.
- Remove inventories from variable product.
- Fixed low stock notifications by product when an inventory reaches the inventory low stock threshold.
- Performance improvement: always use indexed dates in SQL queries.
- Show Barcodes and Supplier SKU in Stock Central when printing the PDF report.
- Print Inventory Locations in PDF Reports.
- Refactoring.
- Removed redundant variable.
- Add inventory default meta filter where needed.
- Change API's get all inventories default order by.
- Avoid duplicating items when adding several inventories to order in checkout.
- Apply our WC blocks customizations when the checkout block is hydrated on the server side.
- CSS adjustments.
- Fixed order notes texts.
- Fixed MI order items not being added when processing an order through the Store API.
- Inventory Logs: allow changing stock to secondary inventories if the main doesn't manage the stock.
- Fixed missing "low_stock_threshold_by_inventory" column in "atum_product_data" table.
- Fixed table prefix when searching by inventory name.
- Prevent MI ambiguous Queries in Stock Central searches.
- Fixed missing shipping costs and fees in orders total.
- Fixed caching, casting and wrong formats in Inventories.
- Fixed several issues with checkout and cart blocks.
- Fixed multi-price items in WC cart block.
- Search inventories by name when searching by product name in List Tables.
- Improved ATUM CLI tools registration.
- Avoid changing unmanaged main inventory stock status when making an order to secondary inventories through REST API.
- Ensure the returned term isn't a WP_Error.
- Moved all the WC Blocks code to its own class.
- Fixed check refund order when "chg_stock_order_complete" setting is enabled.
- Fixed include new items when calculating order items taxes after adding new order item inventories in REST API.
- Fixed jQuery deprecations.
- Fixed get cookieDuration variable.
- Fixed wrong operand added.
- Fixed colors for modal texts.
- Fixed checkout block error when the main inventory is out of stock.
- Added new "requires plugins" clause supported in WP6.5+.
- Added expiry dates to the cart blocks.
- Add inventory item class to checkout block when it was hydrated on the server.
- Disabled the selectable inventories dropdown on the cart block until compatible.
- Added max attribute to inventory order refund input.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed error when product doesn't exist.
- Fixed possible division by 0 errors.
- Fixed selectable inventories removal logic.
- Fixed cart expiry dates messages.
- Fixed cart totals when selectable inventory items are present.
- Added filters for inventory metas to support PL available_to_purchase column.
- Added support for selectable inventories to the cart and checkout blocks.
- Refactoring.
- Update inventory reduced stock if restock items on refund order.
- Use the new AtumStockDecimals class.
- Search by any coincidence of the searched Lot/BATCH when doing batch tracking.
- Avoid to return the default shipping zone after it was excluded by unmatched postcode.
- Hide the legacy cart widget when the cart or checkout blocks are present in the current page.
- Do not show inventory lines on the mini cart legacy widget.
- Extend the MI Reserve Stock class from the new AtumReserveStock.
- Fixed bulk actions for cloning selected inventories.
- Fixed PHP 8.2 compatibility.
- Fixed batch tracking searching.
- Fixed legacy cart totals when there are selectable inventories present.
- Fixed check ATUM & PHP versions and dependencies.
- Added hooks to mi-panel template.
- Added hook to the inventory actions.
- Added hooks when disabling or uninstalling MI.
- Improved performance when saving order items through API call.
- Updated sweetAlert2 + modal styling improvements.
- Updated dependencies.
- Refactoring.
- Removed deprecated code.
- Adapted code to modified hook parameters.
- Ensure the cart item quantity matches with its inventories.
- Updated jquery types.
- Avoid error when getting refunded qty for ATUM Orders.
- Avoid error when checking PO inventories.
- Fixed calculating row order item subtotal for MI products.
- Ensure JS math operators are numeric.
- Apply purchase price when creating a new PO item through API.
- Fix wrong comparison when no decimals set in stock quantities.
- Fixed hide/show pricing fields in BOM products with MI.
- Display low stock threshold by product or inventory at SC.
- Configured webpack minimizer options.
- Save variation low stock threshold when by-inventory setting is disabled.
- Refactoring.
- Ensure the order item is saved even if the inventories haven't been changed.
- Fixed WooPayments incompatibility with the
Change stock on 'completed' status
setting. - Removed wrong check.
- Avoid to restock refunded items when order is not completed and the setting chg_stock_order_complete is enabled.
- Exclude refund quantity when calculating inventories reduced_stock.
- Fixed display variation stock fields.
- Fixed MI product stock in WC list when inventory stock is under out of stock threshold.
- Fixed webpack config.
- Added new hook to filter inventory stock field params.
- Upgraded to webpack 5.
- Modernized gulpfile.
- Refactoring.
- Prevent changing order item inventories if no changes were made.
- Adapted product field labels to new WC versions.
- Added low stock threshold by inventory setting.
- Added inventory stock status colors to the tree component.
- Added stock management icons with tooltips to the BOM hierarchy trees.
- Required node 18.
- Check for duplicated inventory names when add/edit from ListTables.
- Removed deprecated ES6 polyfill support.
- Fixed field names.
- Prevent stock field from displaying on variations with calculated stock when switching on and off the MI status.
- Fixed parent stock status.
- Avoid decimals precision issues when doing calculations in JS.
- Fixed wrong calculation function used.
- Fixed function args order.
- PHP 8 compatibility fix.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed custom meta key being duplicated when added to an order item.
- Remove hook doing wrong data to be generated in WPML.
- Added new setting for handling inventory stock totals behavior in List Tables.
- Added filter to check if current ListTable is in MC.
- Delete the MI addon status transient when upgrading.
- Make sure if a variable is an array before unsetting it.
- Increase total stock row for MC products with BOMs.
- Fixed the product stock status not matching with the main inventory stock status.
- Fixed the 'out of stock' status showing incorrectly on the product page.
- Fixed add inventory stock to totalizers when filters are enabled.
- Fixed "out of stock threshold" field not being displayed on simple BOMs.
- Added icons added to ATUM Icon Font.
- Added action after the inventory barcode fields.
- Makes sure the get_current_screen function exists before using it.
- Update new stock_status field to sync with the Main Inventory.
- Use the new ATUM's SearchOrdersByColumn for batch tracking.
- Moved recurring CRON actions to make them reachable.
- Adapted the list table row actions to the new version.
- CSS fixes.
- Fixed backorders input syncing with the Main Inventory.
- Fixed missing order_id input in order page when using HPOS.
- Fixed batch tracking field for WC orders when HPOS is enabled.
- Fixed combined stock on List Tables.
- Fixed compounded stock and totalizer when filtering results.
- Uninstall hook refactoring.
- Fixed option name when avoiding to send no-stock notification.
- Performance improvements.
- Added hook to be able to prevent uninstalling tasks.
- Added deactivation tasks.
- Changes in tax calculation.
- Make sure a product exists before saving it.
- Prevent errors in multi-price when the cart items are empty for some reason.
- Avoid displaying empty SKUs (#) in order email.
- Avoid compatibility errors with wishlist plugin.
- Unschedule multi-price transient calcs when the module is deacticated.
- Force the default param on the get_option helper.
- Refactoring.
- Moved HPOS compatibility checker.
- Removed unneeded function that calculates non-multiprice inventories totals and causes issues with product totals.
- Updated composer autoload class map.
- Avoid WC to send new order email and send it after adding inventories if the new order is created through the REST API.
- Hide list tables' uncontrolled filter.
- Moved global data to MI globals class.
- Fixed SML links.
- Fixed inventories manual priority saving.
- Fixed inventory info shortcode for variable products.
- Fixed hook name.
- Fixed geolocation on countries restriction mode.
- Added a new setting to wxpand Multi-Inventory columns in List Tables by default.
- Show always the expired stock in List Tables.
- Show sale flash when an inventory is on sale.
- Refactory ListTable array in scripts.
- Check if function exists before calling it.
- Updated composer files.
- Do not allow creating duplicate inventory names per product and do not allow changing the is_main value through API.
- Refactoring.
- Updated minimum WC version.
- Avoid to update order item totals from script when hasn't multi-price.
- Hide inventory prices at order item inventories when multi-price is disabled.
- Fixed default date format in BBE and inventory.
- Add full compatibility with the new WooCommerce's HPOS tables.
- Add new action after an inventory row is added to a List Table.
- Change background color of disabled field for order item inventories with multi-price.
- Refactoring.
- Prevent expired inventories from being added to orders.
- Fixed class name for inventory files indicator.
- Added Listables sorting by calc_backorders.
- Calculate inventories sales cal props when executing the update calc props tool.
- Add inventories PO and IL sales calc props calcultations to the update products props tool.
- Added future support for ATUM Stock Takes add-on.
- Do not show selectable Inventories without prices in products with multi-price.
- Change color text in order when the field is editable.
- Refactoring.
- Updated JS dependencies and require node 16.
- Disabled bypassing filters while processing a bundle product.
- Moved the MI files col to the MI cols group.
- Clean assets dir before compiling.
- Avoid query error when searching by column.
- Update BOM stock with decimals when global stock decimals setting is 0.
- Exclude parameters from Geo Prompt exclusion patterns.
- Fixes for Multi-Inventory + Product Bundles integration.
- Fixed inventory regions modal not working in List Tables.
- Do not show selectable inventories without prices in the front end.
- Fixed query for translated parent products.
- Added display date format to MI settings.
- Added filter to calculated sql field for sorting by stock.
- Added committed to WC orders column to the Inventories table.
- Added do_action before calculating inventores sales calc props.
- Added calculated backorders column to the inventories data table.
- Added calculated backorders prop to allow sorting in List Table column, etc.
- Added new helper to know if MI is globally enabled.
- Save the calculated backorders for inventories when saving them.
- Converted the region and location selects to multi-selects on the Add Inventory modal.
- Moved sorting stock filter to affect the inventory stock field before applying calculations.
- Do not add the expiry_threshold column if already exists in the db.
- Hide prices fields independently on products with MI + price per inventory enabled to not conflict with 3rd party plugins.
- Refactoring.
- Allow setting some MI UI items as non-clonables through CSS classes.
- Allow decimals in all the inventorie's number inputs related to stock units (when configured in ATUM settings).
- Changed description for the disaply date format setting.
- Fixed using a deprecated method.
- Fixed add excluded BOM products to internal list table edited_products array.
- Fixed typo.
- Fixed datepickers when using an alternative display date format.
- Added new filters to let third parties play.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed duplicated regions on the Zones conversion tool.
- Fixed region to region tools.
- Fixed MI order items total and subtotal.
- Fixed MI order items subtotal.
- Fixed MI order items total with multiprice.
- Added admin notice when a Purchase Order has expired inventories.
- Stock will last column for MI products is calculated with total stock and sales from its inventories.
- Allow removing inventories from SC and MC through the action menus.
- Allow editing inventories from SC and MC.
- Hide fields and display alert in edit inventory modal when a main inventory has calculated stock.
- Renamed all the ATUM params used on queries to the products' API endpoint.
- Do not allow to add expired inventories to PO items.
- Avoid auto-removing inventory sale dates when the end date has passed.
- Refactoy inbound stock SQL to allow clauses filtering.
- Remove error_log.
- Avoid displaying expired inventory warning if product hasn't expirable inventory property.
- Refactoring.
- Changed pre-discount label in inventory template.
- Adjustments for the "stock will last" logic.
- Help text change.
- Get sale price if inventory is on sale.
- Fixed SQL error when the user has no shipping zone and no default zone is set.
- Fixed notice when multi-price inventories have not sale price.
- Fixed StockWillLast column calculated by product.
- Fixed wrong calculated discount in multi-price inventories.
- Fixed discounts in order item inventories.
- Fixed warnings when children haven't sale price.
- Save inventory priority for every sorting modes.
- Fixed on-sale inventory prices.
- Fixed inventory quantity changed in inventory order items.
- Fixed fields visibility when changing the product type when creating a new product.
- Allow filtering by location on the inventories API endpoint (id or slug).
- Added "Days to BBE" column to List Tables.
- Added the new barcode field to inventories.
- Added the barcode field to multi-inventory API.
- Display BBE Date in red if date has expired on List Tables.
- Initialize priority field value when adding new inventory.
- Ensure inventory priority is sequential before saving.
- Update priority for product inventories without sequential priorities.
- Fixed query when filtering by MI columns.
- Fixed groupby statement when ordering List Tables may cause SQL error.
- Fixed check_inventories_priority query.
- Fixed PL filter names.
- Fixed inventories being written off when they are created if the main was written off.
- Prevent undefined error.
- Fixed User Destination Form required fields deleted when reading from the database.
- Added filter to modify SQL field when ordering by stock.
- Added location filter param to inventories API controller.
- Display low stock threshold column for inventories at ListTables.
- Sortable low stock threshold inventory column.
- Editable low stock threshold column at ListTables.
- Added global Expiry Threshold to ATUM Settings.
- Display default expiry threshold value at MI product info.
- Modify the queries for the Current Stock Value widget.
- Group product ID clause when searching MI data.
- Refresh data after inserting an inventory from a List Table.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed error when sort ListTables by stock.
- Fixed criteria when sorting by stock at ListTables.
- Fixed stock criteria for current stock value widget.
- Fix incorrect BBE date allowed when creating inventories from List Tables.
- Added hook for calculating real stock.
- Added JS hook after the a new inventory is created through the AddInventoryModal.
- Include parent supplier when filtering by supplier.
- Updated suppliers filter.
- Refactoring.
- Check if a variable is an array before looking for items within.
- Changed low stock name to restock status everywhere (for more clarity).
- Throw an error when an inventory couldn't be created for some reason through the AddInventoryModal.
- Fixed WC Order total price changes when using comas.
- Fixed warning when create order through API.
- Fixed duplicated Main Inventory when clicking several times the create or update button on complex products.
- Fixed calc MI item total & subtotal with decimal qty.
- Added new hook to the get_price_html method.
- Option title change.
- Refactoring.
- Recalculate coupons if exists coupons in the API request.
- Cast total and qty values before calculating the inventory item cost.
- Display MI product on sale if some of their inventories is on sale.
- Check if inventories changed on-sale value to remove WC transient.
- Remove WC on-sale transient when saving inventories metaboxes.
- Fixed due statuses on Inbound Stock MI.
- Fixed wrong inventory order item total when prices include taxes.
- Fixed inventory orders subtotals when updating the total of a product without multi-price.
- Fixed inventory expiration failure with non expirable inventories or unmanaged inventories.
- Display written-off inventories at ListTables if the setting is checked.
- Exclude disabled and write-off inventories from sorting criteria when sorting by MI fields on ListTables.
- When sorting by MI columns, display first all the products with value in that column at ListTables.
- Changed outdated links to documentation.
- Fixed pricing fields showing on MIs on order items when multi-price is disabled for the product.
- Fixed undefined country index when exists a default country in admin view.
- Update selected inventory when changing delivery location in checkout.
- Fixed undefined variable.
- Fixed issues when adding inventories automatically + caching inventory while updating stock quantity.
- Fixed action menu popovers.
- Fixed cost fields visibility on order items' multi-price products just after adding a new inventory.
- Fixed max sorting field.
- Updated minimum versions.
- Refactoring.
- Do not get item subtotal from inventory items if multi-price is disabled.
- Apply discount on shop prices for discounted bundle-sell products.
- Avoid accessing order item product properties if it doesnt exist.
- Fixed visibility of fields not according to logic when one inventory expired (BOM Stock Ccontrol enabled).
- Fixed bundle sell with multi-price inventories.
- Fixed undefined variable notice.
- Fixed update cart items in checkbox with countries restriction mode.
- Fixed incorrect initial values when creating an inventory.
- Fixed quick edit's incompatible fields on MI products.
- Added new hook after creating an inventory from the inventory creation modal.
- Create inventory source param for Action Logs.
- Always remove addon transient when uninstalling.
- Refactoring.
- Change conditions on one expecific case to change reduced_stock.
- Pass extra param to the inventory BOM tree view.
- Updated email template version.
- Fixed stock not being moved to expired stock field when the inventory expires.
- Fixed expired stock not recovered for main inventories in the event the inventory is no longer expired.
- Fixed expired inventory not showing the corresponding fields.
- Fixed saving the correct managed stock status correctly.
- Fixed subtotal and total cart calculation with selectables inventories from variations.
- Fixed inventory regions' and locations' multi-selects only saving the first value.
- Fixed incorrect stock decrease on manual WC orders in products with MI.
- Fixed post_parent field in WPML query.
- Fixed styles for Swal loader on the MI management popup.
- Fixed params order.
- Fixed param type.
- Register the MI data keys for saving MI order items each time an ATUM Order is saved.
- Fixed MI order items being removed when saving an ATUM Order.
- Performance improvement: use the product_meta_lokup table to retrieve the unmanaged inventories (when possible).
- Added compatibility with disabled columns in Stock Central.
- ATUM dates refactoring.
- Fixed region switcher tools JS and CSS.
- Added a hook to check variable products for applying supplier filter and MI status filters compatibility.
- Added support for WPML creating product translations from the frontend.
- Performance improvement: added cache to has_product_tree_multi_price method.
- Remove ATUM scheduled actions when uninstalling and/or updating to a new version.
- Improved set inventory purchase price modal.
- Ajax nonce names unification.
- Refactoring for the has_multi_inventory helper.
- Prevent showing ATUM panels even when creating a WPML translation.
- Provide jQuery with Webpack config to avoid conflicts with 3rd party plugins.
- Refactoring.
- Prevent using unnecessary LIKE clauses.
- Show MI Files column only if setting is enabled.
- JS hooks renaming to follow the same naming conventions.
- Converted the WPML class to a singleton.
- Fixed search by columns sku/supplier_sku showing all (also non matching) inventories.
- Fixed popovers CSS warning.
- Fixed different time sources when assigning a date to an inventory.
- Fixed WPML translated products IDs stored in multi-price transient.
- Fixed duplicated stock status field.
- Get price html for variable products with inventories (no multi-price).
- Added new hook to allow bypassing the automatic MI stock changes.
- Added new setting to be able to enable/disable Multi Price globally.
- Allow creating MI suppliers from an ATUM list table.
- Changed hook name: 'atum/list_table/product_search/where'.
- Changed hook name: 'atum/multi_inventory/bypass_atum_order_stock_change'.
- Refactoring.
- Added user-friendly placeholder to the low stock threshold field at inventory level.
- Added user-friendly placeholder to the out of stock threshold field at inventory level.
- Fixed calculate coupon discounts in cart if mini_cart is called in cart page.
- Fixed when a product with MI has the main inventory unmanaged it appears in the unmanaged list.
- Fixed split inventory in variation product.
- Fixed split inventories not updating the source inventory.
- Fixed inventory actions not filtering according to the inventory status.
- Fixed product with calculated MI stock taking into account region restrictions.
- Fix compounded stock when a grouped, bundle, or varitations has MI.
- Added filter to allow bypassing the regions restricitions.
- Added the main inventory's expired stock custom meta to copied fields when translating.
- Added ATUM product data MI fields when duplicating a product with WPML.
- Allow changing MI Supplier from List Tables.
- Added support for low stock threshold and shipping class fields to the AddInventoryModal.
- Added status criteria for non-MI products in tax loop query.
- Added hooks to the AddInventoryModal.
- Added refund order notes for MI products.
- Refactoring.
- Remove action menu popover after cloning.
- Improved the Split Inventory functionality.
- Improvements for the inventory removal modal.
- Changed the supplier field's placeholder on AddInventoryModal.
- Fixed warning when adding bundled items to cart that aren't being priced individually.
- Fixed notices and warnings when one order was refunded entirely.
- Fixed SC's stock totalizer when a product from a bundle has MI.
- Fixed grouped and bundled compounded stock when some product has MI and PL is disabled.
- Fixed AddInventoryModal's CSS.
- Fixed pricing rules on AddInventoryModal.
- Fixed inventories' action menus for variables + rebuilding action menus when necessary.
- Remove 'inventory files' and 'inventory reserved stock' tables when uninstalling ATUM and the "remove data" option is enabled.
- Added fields to extra data inventory order for keeping data in removed inventories.
- Added support for MI tools when using the new ATUM's WP-CLI commands.
- Added expired_stock meta data to Main Inventory.
- Show error to the user if an inventory file could not be uploaded.
- Improved inventory shipping classes handling to be 100% compatible with WC.
- Add MI cases to Manufacturing Central list when has unmanaged inventories.
- Added filter to be able to override the email order items template.
- Refactoring.
- Ensure the directory exists before moving an inventory file.
- Regenerated the composer's autoload.
- Fixed sales last days are always calculated in Stock Central when the sale days are distinct of 14.
- Fixed stock totalizer on Manufacturing Central when BOM stock control was disabled and the main inventory don't have its stock managed.
- Show correctly product with unmanaged invetories.
- Fixed multiple icons for order items.
- Fixed shipping cost when rate is calculated by most expensive in order.
- Fixed compounded stock on bundled and grouped products when these have MI.
- Fixed warning when removing an inventory without files.
- Fixed date format in order item inventory's extra data.
- Fixed missing inventory data.
- Fix double PL icon in POs.
- CSS fixes.
- Fixed highest inventory shipping class cost adding all classes.
- Fixed sorting by stock column in ListTables was missing the secondary inventories' stock.
- Fixed wrong text domains.
- Prevent Shipping calculations if none of the cart inventories has shipping class set.
- Fixed sending emails only will be triggered for the first item.
- Fixed sale dates not set if the plugin is active but the product hasn't MI.
- Fixed no shipping class selected is saved as 1 instead of NULL for secondary inventories.
- Added script hook to allow/prevent stock changes in order items.
- Added low stock notifications for inventories.
- Added support for attach files to inventories from the edit product page and from List Tables.
- Added Inventory splitting feature.
- Added filter to allow to alter the MI icon added to order items externally.
- Check whether a product exists before adding the order notes when deleting an item.
- List tables will show all decimals for prices when editing the values.
- Moved inventory actions to popover menu in the edit product page.
- Updated ATUM icon font.
- Bypass manage stock when checking unmanaged main inventories availability.
- Changed position of Committed, shortage and free to use fields when the product has MI enabled.
- Fixed stock totalizator in Manufacturing Central when BOM Stock Control disabled.
- Fixed wrong operator precedence set.
- Fixed low stock threshold field shown when managing stock at inventory level disabled.
- Fixed wrong stock and manage stock fields shown in an expired inventory.
- Fixed error when sending ajax multipart/formdata.
- CSS fixes.
- Fixed wrong committed, shortage and free to use calculated values when BOM Stock Control disabled.
- Fixed selectable inventory mode active button.
- Fixed inventory shipping calculation for selectable inventories.
- Fixed wrong order subtotal quantities when using price per inventory.
- Fixed warning on cart when inventory has not bbe_date.
- Fixed wrong cart prices and subtotals with items with different wc tax options.
- Added new hooks to some MI helpers.
- Allow applying bulk actions to MI rows on ListTables.
- Use ATUM MI's out of stock threshold values for WC notifications.
- Added purchase price, regular price and sale price fields to the create inventory modal when multi-price is enabled.
- Added filter for excluding main inventories from the get_product_inventories helper.
- Added new action before adding the inventory fields.
- Added JS validation at Purchase Price, Sale price and Regular price, before sending the Ajax request to create a new inventory.
- Added support for warning messages when writing off inventories.
- Check whether a product exists before adding the order notes when deleting an item.
- Format list tables prices like WC.
- Show non expandable icon if inventories count is 0.
- Added extra parameters to the after MI UI buttons hook.
- Fixed indented MI row checkbox not clickable.
- Fixed worng variation products' visibility terms values being saved.
- Fixed main inventory returned if all inventories are written off.
- Fixed MC allowing to edit a product with MI stock if all its inventories are written off.
- Fixed hiding stock fields when inventory expires on loading page.
- Fixed MC counting BOMs' stock twice when MI is enabled.
- Prevent BOMs with MI's stock from being editable in MC if the BOM stock control is disabled.
- Added classes to rows in the WC's product list to identify multi-inventory and multi-price.
- Added script to hide incompatible fields from "quickedit" form at WC's products list.
- Allow disabling the MI API when the ATUM API module is off.
- Added an option to hide the out of stock inventories on the ATUM's UIs.
- New functionality to send email notifications about expiring inventories. This option can be disabled and the email template configured.
- Normalize notes meta data.
- Updated text message when adding an MI enabled product without inventory to order.
- Prevent from saving and hide in "quickedit" the fields that are incompatible with MI or multi-price.
- Extra check to confirm that an inventory exists before adding it to the reserved stock.
- Add product to changed products if any inventory stock has changed.
- Refactoring.
- Show multiple MI SKUs on the same line within PO PDFs.
- Fixed order notes metadata types.
- Avoid bulk change stock at Inventory Logs from an MI order items without inventory added.
- Avoid to set a completed order status if there are MI products without inventory added.
- Restore last order status on PO and orders if inventory is not added.
- Fixed stock quantity for MI products in WC's product list.
- Fixed ATUM note params for metadata.
- Fixed typo in array index.
- Avoid warning when inventory was not added to order item.
- Fixed price for bundle products at versions older than 6.1.0.
- Fixed warning when filtering by product type at list tables.
- Changed incorrectly assigned action to filter.
- Fixed the Inventory name when using special characters like single quotes.
- Fixed check order item inventories for variation products.
- Fixed Wrong prices when same product included twice or more in cart in a Bundle and/or itself.
- Added option to ATUM Settings for assigning inventories to order items inventories automatically.
- Show the correct MI data on the emails sent by WooCommerce.
- Added new filter to is_geoprompt_required to be able to customise even more where it's displayed.
- Added auxiliary functions to avoid loading too many data in variable products with a lot of variations.
- Calculate bundled items with discount by sale price and exclude optional items not selected in cart.
- Check WC Bundles version to use regular price discount for 6.1.0 and lower versions.
- Added option to be able to show/hide write-off inventories (globally or per product).
- Added only one price for each selectable inventory at frontend.
- Show ATUM inventory panel for bundle products.
- Updated JS dependencies.
- Refactoring.
- Ensure that price and regular price exist when checking a multi-price.
- Ensure the item exists before adding notes and removing it.
- Prevent displaying the MI product's stock field in quick edit.
- Make sure it's a MI-compatible order before deleting MI items.
- Ensure there is valid data to recalculate totals in order items with inventories.
- Prevent non numeric notice.
- Fixed management popup error in order items if the product does not exist.
- Fixed error when recalculating the order item totals.
- Fixed MI data on WC order notes.
- Fixed "empty new inventory name, or already exist inventory" freezing message.
- Fixed duplicated tooltip from WC Product Bundles.
- Fixed bundle products to not be able to set the sold_individually option.
- Fixed missing product inventories array.
- Fixed missing prices for variations with MI when the main inventory has no stock.
- Fixed SKU on order notes with selectable inventories.
- Add unassigned inventories to order items when order status is set to completed.
- Collect data when creating order notes and save metas.
- Refactoring.
- Changes to dark mode colours.
- Use the ATUM's font icon for child arrows everywhere.
- CSS fix.
- Fixed inventory order items not being handled on WC orders on API requests.
- RTL fixes.
- Fixed updating MI locations from Stock Central.
- Ensure price 0 is allowed in Multi-Price.
- Fixed checkbox placement for MI rows in List Tables.
- Fixed conflict with AutomateWoo when returning an empty comment.
- Avoid removing increase/decrease buttons at Inventory Logs.
- Multiple fixes when using Selectable Inventories.
- Set the right inventories (according to the customer's address) when adding inventories automatically from the backend and when region restriction is enabled.
- Fixed supplier filtering for MI in Stock Central.
- Fixed warning on MI supplier products hook.
- Fixed variation price not shown in frontend when the main inventory is out of stock and multi-price is enabled.
- Fixed syntax error on MI's ProductData extender.
- Added the "is_main" key to the inventory order items' extra_data.
- Refactoring.
- Validate API requests to product data endpoint when the product has MI enabled.
- Do not run some upgrade scripts when it's a fresh install.
- Updated dependencies + use WebPack 4.
- Reduced change stock hooks' priorities.
- Removed help text and moved the help page link to the MI icon.
- Sort list table products by MI field.
- Fixed show inventories bbe date in cart.
- Fixed missing mi_inventories array in API response when creating a product with MI enabled.
- Added missing MI params to product data API endpoint.
- Check manage stock only at inventory level as product was excluding managed inventories.
- Added filter when removing an inventory order item.
- Fixed wrong status set in "chg_stock_order_complete" option.
- Fixed error when HTTP_REFERER is still not available.
- Ensure that an order item has the right type before processing it.
- Fixed wrong total stock calculated in MC from all cases.
- Added region to inventory creation modal.
- Add confirm alert when editing WC orders and changing status if it has MI line items without selected inventories.
- Added support for new MC column (available to produce).
- Allow editing an order item's qty when no inventory is assigned.
- Allow price 0 in inventories with multi-price.
- Added a security check to avoid changing the stock multiple times for the same order.
- Added the BOM tree to orders with MI-enabled products + linked BOMs but without any inventory set.
- Get WC order statuses that change the stock from ATUM Globals.
- Prevent changing stock when inserting/removing inventories in an order item.
- Allow deleting the last inventory depending on the order line reduced stock.
- Cancel inventory refund after deleting order refund.
- Handle the increase/decrease stock buttons actions through a JS hook.
- Reset mi_ui property for each variation.
- Fixed inventories manually ordered by dates.
- Delete order item inventories when an ATUM order is deleted.
- Fixed wrong status name comparision.
- Fixed issue with PO creation through API requests that were adding ghost inventories.
- Recalculate order item totals after adding/updating a PO with MI order items through the API.
- Fixed gross profit when prices include taxes and multi-price is enabled.
- Fixed discounts total not being displayed when applied on order item inventories.
- Prevent sending the span tag in searches when the MI option 'createEmptyOrderItems' is active.
- Fixed subtotal cache causing wrong calculated discounts in order items.
- Removed the MI buttons for increasing/decreasing stock in Inventory Logs.
- Fixed inventory locations cannot be edited from List Tables.
- Avoid error when showing products at WC CLI.
- Fixed MI panel properties for new variations only binding the first inventory added.
- Allow editing MI data from List Tables.
- Allow changing stock only when transitioning WC orders to 'completed'.
- Display and edit the inventory locations from Stock Central.
- Show inventory locations in List Tables even when the term has no products assigned.
- Allow editing inventory regions from List Tables.
- Added hook action before echoing an inventory.
- Sort inventories under their parent at ListTables.
- Sort inventories by ID if products are being ordered by ID.
- Added extra atts filter to order item's MI panel.
- Allow until 8 decimal positions in ATUM order items inventories.
- Prevent MI products stock changes when managing order items from the backend and order status is distinct from 'on-hold'.
- Refactoring.
- Do not force adding inventories to any PO item until its status is changed to 'received'.
- Do not set to zero the default quantity value when adding a MI product to a PO.
- Updated MI order item tooltip message.
- Disable the order item fields when the first inventory gets added to a PO.
- Added antialiasing for all the ATUM font icons everywhere.
- Merged the inventory locations column with the products location column in Stock Central.
- Moved the regions column to the last position of inventory details.
- Show the MI rows with a green light backgound to easily identify them.
- Added a green background color to the multi-inventory details column group.
- Replaced switchery by a 100% CSS switcher.
- Fixed order item inventories saving error.
- Fixed updating inventory data was changing unwanted props.
- Fixed incorrect UPSATE SQL statement.
- Fixed not saving main inventory metaboxes on variation products.
- Save the regions correctly from SC even when the region restriction is set to 'countries'.
- Fixed inventory order's reduced stock qty can't be set to null.
- Prevent possible incongruences when increasing stock.
- Added the wp-hooks dependency to ensure they are loaded by WordPress.
- Fixed cache saving for non-MI items was breaking the order items' subtotal calculation.
- Removed set_cache to avoid error calculating order item subtotal.
- Added the gross profit colum values for MI items.
- Adjusted hook names.
- Do not show the gross profit on products with MI and multi-price enabled.
- Performance improvement: prevent reading all Shipping zones data when not needed.
- Added new hook after the MI UI buttons.
- Added MI's row actions to Stock Central and Manufacturing Central.
- Added ability to create new inventories from Stock Central and Manufacturing Central.
- Remove tooltip overflow behaviour because is not being used.
- Prevent editing the Main Inventory's stock in ListTable if the product has linked BOMs and Stock Control is enabled.
- Check is_on_sale separately for variations in variable products.
- Added class to inventories with stock negative in the BOM tree.
- Upgraded popovers and tooltips to Bootstrap 5.
- Added extra data to MI rows on List Tables.
- Add inventory extra data if not set in db.
- Fixed no inventory added when ading an "out of stock" product to a WC order from the backend.
- Fixed MI UI not showing on some cases.
- Prevent ATUM order items deletion when recalculating orders if total = 0.
- Allow saving shipping class to the Main Inventory via model.
- Use the new JS hook when an order item gets removed.
- Unify how the products existence is checked.
- Refactoring.
- Prevent notice when updating a PO but not its items from the API.
- Fixed subtotals in cart when using bundle products with multi-price.
- Fixed error when trying to use $this on the selectable inventories list view.
- Fixed all the jQuery deprecations until version 3.5.
- Do not load the ATUM Order items when not needed to improve performance.
- Use the new helper to get the current timestamp.
- Use the new AtumAdminNotices component when showing notices.
- Updated cloning inventories button's icon.
- Fixed bundled products prices with discount on regular price with and without multi-price.
- Updated SweetAlert2 dependency.
- Refactoring.
- Do not require the $region_restriction_mode variable on inventory-info template.
- Fixed Expand/Collapse all inventories' buttons.
- CSS fixes.
- Fixed missing min quantity item for bundled items in cart price calculation.
- Check whether a param is present before adding hooks to the InventoryOrders endpoint.
- Ensure selectable inventories are appended only to wc variations.
- Fixed wrong shipping class applied when inventories with higer priority were out of stock.
- Fixed MI restrictions not being properly calculated when WPML is active.
- Added pre-update inventory action hook.
- Added new endpoint to allow batch for all the inventories (no matter its product).
- Added auto order item inventory creation during API requests.
- Set min node version to 14 and added jquery as webpack external.
- Refactoring.
- Added support for ES2017 to tsconfig.json.
- Fixed methods migrated to Orders.
- Fixed bundled items prices having individually price with percent discount.
- Added getters for obtaining default_data and default_meta for inventories.
- Added a new /inventories endpoint to ATUM API to retrieve all the registered inventories.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed type mismatch in visitor_location in some cases.
- Fixed mi_inventories for orders not being created through API requests.
- Fixed issue with autm_stock_status not being updated for products with MI that had no price.
- Fixed wrong logic operator.
- Fixed delete button not being shown on the first order item inventory on POs.
- Fixed BBE dates shown in cart for unused inventories.
- Send stock notifications linked to inventory instead of product.
- Added full compatibility for reserved stock to MI products.
- Added new custom filter for MI lines' subtotals.
- Added new filter to be able to save more extra data for order item inventories.
- Refactoring.
- Hide stock quantity from selectable inventories when WC stock format setting is "no_amount".
- Added WC changes into MI ReserveStock class.
- Hide prices from "out of stock" inventories at frontend.
- Keep search data for searching also in secondary inventories.
- Fixed searching inventories by SKU or Supplier SKU at ATUM list tables.
- Fixed wrong text domains on some strings.
- Fixed popover's arrow CSS.
- Fixed datepicker not showing translated weekdays according to the users' locale.
- Added region restriction when changing shipping data from cart.
- Added inventory SKU and inventory supplier SKU in PO's PDF.
- Added bundled min and max qtys when calculating bundle price.
- Added inventories' data where creating a renewal order.
- Allow managing order inventory details from deleted inventories.
- Added Default value for existing inventories.
- Added filter to allow others to check the reserved stock.
- Preselect supplier inventory in PO with unique supplier.
- Order priority selecting inventory for unique supplier in PO.
- Show SKU and Supplier's SKU only on inventory details instead of order item details.
- Check if the product exists before refreshing its multi-price transient.
- Force saving the ATUM location cookie in root path.
- Load the new inventory template for order items only once.
- Refactoring.
- Handle unmanaged selectable inventories in front list and dropdown.
- Changed inventory ID replacement strategy for new order item inventories.
- Set the default quantity for new order item inventories to 1.
- Restore stock from expired inventory when removing the BBE date.
- Added CSS class to expired MI checkbox to avoid PL's behavior.
- Make sure the main inventory is always returned as a MainInventory object.
- Fixed inventories endpoint's batches method.
- Fixed Geoprompt's UI styles.
- Fixed cache key being calculated wrongly.
- Fixed expired stock inventory meta.
- Fixed updating the main inventory meta through the inventories' API endpoint.
- Fixed the shipping cost calculate when adding inventories automatically.
- Allow backorders with multi-inventory.
- Adjust product's status stock shown in product list for manging stock variable.
- Make nullable the datetime fields in the inventory's reserved stock table.
- Allow changing price HTML for bundled items.
- Hide product's shipping class field when MI is enabled.
- Fixed bundle prices being wrong calculated for multi-priced products.
- Fixed bundled item prices being shown with the bundled discount if set.
- Fixed non-individually priced bundled items being included in the bundle product price calculation.
- Fixed bundled item's discount being applied to the regular price when calculating the bundle's price.
- Fixed wrong bundle price displayed in the backend when MI is added.
- Fixed changes in MI products not being updated in the bundle product.
- Fixed wrong item price being calculated for bundles when multi-price was active.
- Fixed wrong price being taken to calculate totals when inventory wasn't managing stock.
- Prevent applying discount twice in bundle products for multi-price products.
- Alter the inventory reserved table to make nullable the datetime fields.
- Fixed variable products with "manage stock" activated at product level showed incorrect stock status.
- Fixed Bundle product incorrect price showed when one or more of its bundled products had the Multi Price option active.
- Added new custom filter to "get_inventory_stock_on_hold" statuses.
- Added ReserveStock class to handle reserved stock in WC 4.3.
- Added class to order item inventory rows when multi price is enabled.
- Check whether the shipping cost exists before altering it.
- Refactoring.
- Prevent available stock values less than 0.
- Make the MI order items JS component globally available so can be used externally.
- Fixed error when checking for selectable inventories of an item that is not a product.
- Fixed bundle price wrongly set when no multi-priced bundled items present.
- Fixed wrong quantity being saved to product's line item in cart when changing quantities multiple times.
- Added new feature to allow customers to select the inventories to use.
- Added 2 distinct UIs for selecting inventories (dropdown or list).
- Allow enabling the "selectable inventories" and its UI mode, globally or per product.
- Allow managing the selected inventories in product pages and/or from the cart.
- Added a new shipping class field to all the inventories (so extra shipping costs can be applied, according to the WC configuration, when an inventory is used).
- Added backorder values for MI products in Stock Central.
- Updated JS dependencies.
- Changed WC's product list stock status filtering from "chg_wc_product_meta_lookup" to "atum_product_data".
- Fixed GeoPrompt loop when a privacy page is set in WC but the privacy link is left empty.
- Performance improvement: prevent duplicated queries on get_inventory_sold_last_days.
- Added the inventory SKU to MI order items and hide the product's SKU.
- Allow filtering inventories by supplier + product type.
- Added full compatibility with multi-price and WC Bundles (also handling item discounts).
- Added compatibility for multi-prices on bundled items within orders.
- Add item inventories when importing a WC Order to an Inventory Log.
- Added "atum/atum_order/add_stock_change_note" filter to order stock change ajax calls.
- Show a list of SKUs for every inventory with stock on the products' pages.
- Added new action after saving order item inventories.
- Prevent accessing non existing elements in the Prices Transient.
- Recalculate again the sales props when changing an order's status.
- Listen for inventory info fields' changes within variations.
- Ensure Main Inventories have the correct stock status when adding items from backend.
- Adjusted select2 components to follow the enhancedSelect component conventions.
- Prevent "headers already sent" errors when deleting the atum_location cookie.
- Refactoring
- Fixed object to array conversion error when searching by supplier on List Tables.
- Fixed manual sorting mode not being saved on variations.
- Fixed wrong chosen price in WC Orders for multi-price inventories.
- Fixed transparent background on GeoPrompt popup.
- Fixed edit popover content not being shown when there were duplicated HTML IDs.
- Fixed error when refreshing the multi-prices transient when cancelling an order.
- Show the right subtotal when showing the order details for a bundled item with multi-price.
- Save the correct line totals when adding a new order item for a bundled item.
- Fixed MI not changing the stock status when disabling the out of stock threshold.
- Fixed add_action hook being used instead of add_filter.
- Fixed stock quantity for products with MI + BOMs and BOMs with MI when region restriction is enabled.
- When filtering by supplier in List Tables, hide the inventories not matching with it.
- Fixed PO always taking the first inventory's purchase price.
- Prevent variable products from being shown in Stock Central when filtering by supplier + non-variable product type.
- Added new custom hooks.
- Added batch tracking functionality to WC Orders and ATUM Orders.
- Allow tracking BOM MI order items' batch numbers.
- Improve "get_product_inventories" by reducing SQL queries.
- Performance improvements when using MI + Product Bundles together.
- Performance improvement: prevent "get_prop" execution in MultiPrice if not needed.
- Performance improvement: added multi-price transient.
- Include ATUM orders' actions when increasing/decreasing the order stock.
- Add by default an "in stock" inventory for WC orders and an "out of stock" inventory for POs.
- Changed compatible product types for "get_product_multi_inventory_status".
- Set the product as "on sale" when at least one of its inventories is on sale.
- Apply extra filters to inventories when filtering by supplier.
- Refactoring.
- Return main inventory props if no inventory is found.
- Prevent running the "atum/product_data/after_save_data" hook multiple times for the same products when updating inventory data on SC.
- Added several hooks to refresh the multi-price transient.
- Disable the variations buttons if there are still no changed variations.
- Allow HTML tags in region labels within order item inventories.
- Fixed stock being increased when doing a quick or bulk edit from the products list.
- Fixed item line subtotal not being refreshed after setting the purchase price.
- Prevent duplicated queries in "get_zones_matching_package" function.
- Fixed stock for items with MI disabled but without order item inventories not being processed when switching order statuses.
- Fixed Main Inventory meta data not being read.
- Fixed SQL error when filtering by supplier.
- Fixed duplicated queries in Stock Central.
- Prevent all the variations to be saved always (no matter whether changes were made or not).
- Fixed meta backorders were'nt properly read in "Inventory::get_product_inventories".
- Fixed the MI products filter in List Tables.
- Fixed wrong array returned in "get_product_used_regions".
- Overall performance improvements.
- Reduced SQL queries complexity.
- Removed duplicated queries.
- Added default value to GeoPrompt exclusions.
- Added trigger after adding Inventory JS Event in ATUM's data panel.
- Escape slashes when checking GeoPrompt's exclusion patterns.
- Added special case for GeoPrompt's homepage exclusion.
- Hide WC's inventory fields in translated products with MI activated.
- Update product's calculated fields after saving meta boxes.
- Prevent accessing order items if order type is not supported.
- Added new custom filter for order item inventories.
- Added getter for the compatible child product types.
- Commented out the "delete_items" for the inventories endpoint (not used).
- Use the very first inventory (no matter its availability) when adding items to POs or ILs.
- The available inventory stock should be 0 when reaching the OOST.
- Refactoring.
- Fixed GeoPrompt's select2 dropdown with transparent background.
- Fixed "manage_stock" not being updated for inventories through ATUM API.
- Fixed WPML's current saved product preventing other products to return the correct stock.
- Fixed wrong name "date on sale to/from" on accessed properties.
- Fixed wrong PO's subtotal/total calculations when editing MI items' quantities.
- Fixed wrong setting existence checking in JS component.
- Fixed no refunds being sent to payment gateways when a product had MI enabled.
- Fixed MI's "has_compunded" class not included in Manufacturing Central.
- Fixed invalid number of params registered for an action.
- Fixed wrong discount total being added to POs' PDF.
- Fixed ATUM orders breaking when an item's product doesn't exist anymore.
- Fixed multi-price products adding extra value when included in a bundle.
- Fixed MI filters preventing variations to be created.
- Fixed MI product settings not being displayed correctly for variations.
- Use the ATUM's UIPopovers component.
- Removed NiceSelect dependency.
- Removed accounting.js dependency and use Utils component helpers instead.
- Change FormatMoney calls parameters.
- Added a custom hook after adding a MI order item.
- Added editorconfig.
- Refactory.
- Fixed wrong product's stock discounted for non original langs in WPML.
- Fixed line item data can't be changed in MI lines if no stock is changed.
- Fixed wrong link to the ATUM Locations' edit page.
- Fixed PO inventory's purchase price being included with taxes when the option "prices include taxes" is set.
- Fixed phantom discounts displaying in WC Orders' MI items.
- Avoid unexpected error when refunding orders with MI items.
- Fixed Inventories not changing their stock status when enabling/disabling the ATUM's OOT option
- Text typo fix.
- Fixed wrong select width on the ATUM's MI panel when using Firefox browser.
- CSS fixes.
- Added Inventory props to PHPDoc so can be accessed easily.
- Fixed negative order subtotals in backordered MI products with multi-price.
- Fixed PP removal from PO items with MI enabled.
- Refactory.
- Added a new textarea to settings to be able to list the excluded pages for the GeoPrompt.
- Added new filter to List Tables to be able to show MI/non-MI products only.
- Hide the MI status icon when filtering by non-mi products.
- New feature to show expiry dates in cart (when enabled).
- New "Expiry Days" field to set the inventories as "out of stock" the specified number of days before theis BBE dates.
- Prevent products from disappearing from the loop on some cases after activating MI.
- Fixed the Manage Stock tool not working for inventories.
- Fixed insert inventory's order items not changing order items' data.
- Fixed tooltip for not deducted stock that was being shown even if the stock has been already deducted.
- Allow the supplier to be changed for Main Inventories.
- Refactory.
- Added full compatibility with ATUM Product Levels.
- Added inventories to Manufacturing Central.
- Added the inventories to the hierarchy BOM tree.
- Delete the inventories when the product type is changed to a non-compatible type.
- Do not add inventories to non-compatible product types on Stock Central.
- Duplicate the MI data when duplicating a product.
- Remove all the inventories when deleting a product.
- Hide the PL fields from non-main inventories in BOM variations.
- Split updating order inventories in two steps to make PL working.
- Added message to settings to suggest enabling the MaxMind service (WC 3.9+).
- Enable the geolocation API fallback when needed (WC 3.9+).
- New ability to assign a default region to all the inventories that have no region assigned.
- Updated dependency versions.
- Added new hook to be able to add extra icons to order items.
- Do not add the collapse class when clicking order items with MI.
- Changed the logic for PL icon tooltip message.
- Removed BOM fields from non-main inventories.
- Clear the LOT field when adding a new inventory.
- Trigger an ATUM action after saving a product from ListTables.
- Do not save a Main Inventory automatically if there is one coming on a form submission.
- Added Inventory stock changes when changing order line items from the backend.
- Added the missing stock indicator icons to PDF reports.
- Changed managing order inventory items behaviour to adapt to WC.
- Disabled the stock status rebuilding for MI products.
- Get rid of the "ATUM_PREFIX" constant from db table names to avoid issues.
- Added the premium support link to the plugin details on the plugins page.
- Fixed error when trying to add an order item to a new order (not yet saved).
- Fixed ATUM MI icon not toggling the order item inventories.
- Fixed variation's MI fields visibility issue.
- Fixed caching issue on Stock Central.
- Fixed order item inventories not being deleted for ATUM orders.
- Check if the cart exists before getting coupons.
- Fixed removing an order item inventory by setting qty to 0 was causing the stock to decrease.
- Fixed the ATUM data removal when a product is deleted.
- Fixed featherLight dependency version issue.
- Avoid the main inventory from being created duplicated for all products (with and without MI active).
- Fixed Inventory::get_product_inventories was setting wrong inventories in cache.
- Prevent compatible parent products from showing the MI UI.
- Fixed stock indicator icon colors messed when MI is enabled for some listed products.
- Fixed MI events to being binded when a new variable product is being created.
- Restore the WC fields visibility when switching the Virtual or Downloadable checkboxes.
- Fixed undefined variable notice in User Destination Form.
- Avoid eventual errors when refunding orders.
- CSS fixes.
- Refactory.
- Fixed bulk editing order status was causing wrong stock levels changes.
- Fixed Geo prompt's required fields not being saved on ATUM Settings.
- Prevent no longer existing zones to be shown in MI settings' tools.
- CSS fixes.
- Exclude write-off inventories from the Current Stock Value widget.
- If the out of stock items are being hidden, exclude the inventory prices from the product price range.
- Redo all the multi-price discounts' calculations.
- Prevent adding a Main Inventory to products without MI.
- Fixed countries list on region restriction settings.
- Fixed order totals were not calculated correctly for multi-price products.
- Fixed total discount cart was not applied correctly for inventories with multi-price.
- Fixed refunds were not applied correctly for inventories with multi-price.
- Prevent the applied discounts to be greater than the inventory price when multi-price is enabled.
- Fixed parent color that was not propagated to all MI rows in Stock Central.
- Refactory.
- Added mi_inventories array to the Products' API endpoint.
- Added filtering to Products' API endpoint using MI fields.
- Exclude the mi_inventories REST field from the non-compatible or non-mi-enabled products.
- Allow setting no default shipping zone nor country region.
- CSS changes for accessibility (following WordPress 5.3 new styling).
- Fixed returned shipping zone array even if an ids array wanted for default shipping zone.
- Fixed inventories that were saved in the next sibling variation.
- Fixed wrong arguments' order in the MI's Products API endpoint extender.
- Fixed issue with cache on API requests.
- Fixed ATUM locations not being hidden when MI wass active on simple products.
- Fixed term_id that was being saved instead of term_taxonomy_id within the inventory locations' table.
- Added Multi Inventory extension for the new ATUM REST API.
- Added Inventory order items to the WC Orders, Purchase Orders and Inventory Logs endpoints.
- Added Multi Inventory data to the Products and Variation Products endpoints.
- Added new endpoint for Inventories.
- Changed "selling_priority" meta name to "inventory_sorting_mode" to avoid confusion with the PL's "selling_priority".
- Fixed product loop's wrong query if the WC option to hide the products when run out of stock is set.
- Prevent changing the query when is_admin.
- Fixed coupon discounts not applied properly when Multi-Price is active.
- Prevent applying twice the price excluding taxes.
- Save the correct MI line item's total when discounts are applied.
- Fixed wrong subtotal in orders' detail page for discounted multi-price products.
- Fixed wrong postmeta table spoecified in "add_mi_restrictions" query.
- Fixed wrong variation's index numbering set if some WC messages are present.
- Fixed wrong text domains.
- Fixed wrong prices and order subtotals shown for products with Multi-Price.
- Fixed wrong parent's stock status when MI wasn't activated in child products.
- Fixed wrong tax was applied to non-MI products in products loop.
- Allow to set inventory stock counters as float.
- Changed inventory's table counter fields type.
- Fixed Inbound Stock in Stock Central not updated when changing MI lines within POs.
- Check product object to avoid issues.
- Fixed inventory's stock on hold not properly calculated.
- Fixed wrong stock counters in Stock Central for MI products.
- Re-bind the MI UI settings when a new variable product is being created.
- Refactory.
- Allow searching within Multi-Inventory columns in Stock Central.
- Allow using the DateTimePicker's today button when the maxDate is set to "moment+1".
- Adapted gulpfile to work with Gulp 4.
- Moved the inventory expiration checker to a scheduled CRON.
- Added missing sale price validation to Inventories.
- Do not clear the BBE date when it does not pass the DateTimePicker validation.
- Rebuild the Inventories' "Out of Stock Threshold" when changing the option from ATUM settings.
- Fixed wrong price HTML returned for non-multi-price products.
- Show the right stock indicator for products with inventories in Stock Central.
- GeoPrompt CSS fixes.
- Updated JS dependencies.
- Updated gulpfile.
- Added a new hook to alert other plugins that Multi-Inventory has just activated.
- Fixed lost color variable for Select2 components.
- Fixed wrong cache value set for the main inventory when Multi-Inventory is enabled globally.
- Do not check for the visitor location if the request is from and API call.
- Fixed Discount total amount not shown in cart when coupon has "fixed cart" type.
- Fixed Sale price scheduled dates not saved when price per inventory not active.
- Fixed Stock status not shown properly when Country restriction mode was activated.
- CSS fixes.
- Refactory.
- Adapted to the new ATUM colors feature.
- Added support for unmanaged inventories in WC orders.
- Added support for unmanaged inventories in ATUM orders.
- Added strict validation to inventory meta sanitization methods.
- Updated npm packages.
- Added compatibility for new WPML version.
- Fixed language file not being loaded.
- Fixed Inventory's sale dates not being saved correctly.
- Fixed conflicts with ATUM's datepicker and 3rd party plugins.
- Allow saving correct values in de main inventory.
- Fixed Stock Central stock totals sum for backordered inventories when the "use next" option is set.
- Fixed checkout always setting the Main inventory stock to NULL.
- Prevent returning managed MI product's stock when decreasing stock.
- Allow setting the inventory's stock to null.
- Fixed tsconfig.json to support TypeScript 3.5.3.
- Fixed wrong Stock Central totals for Inventories.
- Prevent returning empty prices when Multi-Price is enabled.
- Added only stockable (with price) inventories to product getters.
- Added unstockable inventories (don't exist if not regular price is set).
- CSS fixes.
- Refactory.
- Prevent not an array warning when processing front-end orders.
- Remove inventories when a product is deleted (refactorized).
- Fixed wrong calculations in orders when using non-standard decimal separators.
- Changed stock on hold formula.
- Fixed Inventory Logs showing wrong total when taxes were applied.
- Fixed date format in Inventory model.
- Prevent some payment gateWays to re-add inventory items to orders that were already processed.
- Fixed error on some cases when the "show out of stock" option is enabled.
- Fixed inventory data being displayed as unsaved when no changes were made.
- Fixed location/region removals and changes.
- Fixed cache conflict when chaging the shipping address in the checkout.
- Refactory.
- Fixed prices being saved incorrectly when not using dots as decimal points.
- Refactory.
- Prevent saving and showing Multi-Inventory's data within WPML translations.
- Refactory.
- Added exclude path to TypeScript config.
- Check product compatibility before applying the multi-price logic.
- Hide Multi-Inventory fields and data for incompatible product types.
- Fixed error when duplicating a product.
- Avoid conflicts with jQuery UI's datepicker.
- Rebind the DateTimePickers when cloning an inventory.
- Fixed DateTimePicker options object.
- Fixed prices not able to set empty values for the main inventories on Stock Central.
- Fixed inventories sorting not working on variations.
- Fixed issue when saving a WPML translation that was removing the inventories data.
- Fixed casting error on WPML integration.
- Fixed cart item total for Product Bundles when Multi Price is enabled.
- Fixed wrong stock status on bundled items with Multi-Inventory enabled.
- Fixed Supplier fields that were displayed in all producs when Multi-Inventory plugin was activated.
- Fixed wrong discounts being displayed for bundled items within orders.
- Fixed order items for bundled products.
- Fixed PHP notice when adding a Composite product to the cart.
- CSS fixes.
- Refactory.
- Performance improvement: reduced number of db queries performed in Stock Central to the half.
- Performance improvement: added new key indexes to Multi-Inventory tables.
- Added all the calculated MI columns to Stock Central.
- Moved the Multi-Inventory tables creation to the Upgrade class.
- Moved the new MI columns to the inventories table.
- Added the inventory order items when the orders are created instead of when the stock is reduced.
- Added the correct name when cloning an inventory, and open first one by default.
- Allow to calculate the proper stock when executing a non-ATUM Ajax action.
- SQL bug fix.
- Added all the calculated MI columns to Stock Central.
- Fixed blank cells showing on Sales Last Days column.
- Fixed decimal numbers issue when adding inventories to an order.
- Fixed wrong stock saved in products when WPML was active.
- WPML fix: prevent re-adding actions if they weren't added before.
- Fixed refund message not shown.
- Refactory.
- Completed JS Refactory to TypeScript.
- Removed woocommerce_admin dependency.
- Show Set Purchase Price only in Purcahse Orders.
- Fixed Inventory Log notes were no reflecting stock inventory changes.
- Fixed duplicate status when the status changes in MI's product panel.
- Show correct message when writte off is marked/unmarked.
- Fixed inventory cloning.
- Change to correct status when clicked remove icon (write off) from an inventory.
- Fixed selling priority functionality and hide out stock threshold field when manage stock is enabled.
- Fixed min/max date in BBE date field.
- Fixed tooltip hiding in Inventory Logs.
- JS Refactory to TypeScript (work in progress).
- Fixed Inventory Logs to take correct price when a product has multi price enabled.
- Fixed WC orders to show correct price when a product hass multi price enabled.
- Fixed bookable product prices shown if Multi-Inventory is active.
- Fixed drag control in inventory list inserted twice.
- Fixed compounded stock for variable products in Stock Central.
- Fixed Stock Central's checkboxes selection behaviour.
- Fixed issue in cart total price when Inventory Iteration is "Show out of stock".
- Fixed issue getting inventories with multi-price.
- Refactory.
- Allow to set distinct purchase prices for distinct inventories on Purchase Orders if multi-price is enabled.
- Delete all the Multi-inventory data when the option in ATUM settings is enabled.
- Purchase Order takes the first inventory's purchase price if multi-price is enabled.
- Added subscription price when MI is enabled.
- Fixed stock not being dicounted properly when WPML is active.
- Fixed some hidden select2 when they shouldn't.
- Fixed missing notice argument in orders.
- Refactory.
- Performance improvements: reduced the number of db queries using cache.
- Avoid CSS conflicts with other plugins using Select2.
- Avoid problems with file_get_contents getting the stylesheet from the file system.
- Cache refactoring.
- Added compatibility to order refunds when using Product Levels with BOM Stock Control enabled.
- Fixed adding regular price to subscription products.
- Added compatibility between Multi-Inventory and WC Product Bundles.
- Add MI UI when a product bundle is added to a WC order.
- Improved performance using cache.
- Added WC Subscription products compatibility.
- Updated MI section title style for variations.
- Fixed get stock value returning availabe stock.
- Fixed Geo Prompt's infinite loop for logged-in users with no address fields set.
- Fixed using "wc_get_low_stock_amount" in WooCommerce versions lower than 3.5.
- Fixed cache not being removed when saving metaboxes.
- Adapted JS to the new ATUM model.
- CSS fixes.
- Refactory.
- Fixed: Frontend product stock status doesn't change when it runs out of stock and the first inventory is the Main inventory.
- Fixed "Allow backorders" field not saved properly in Inventories.
- Fixed "can be backordered" message not shown in the frontend when it should.
- Fixed max quantity a product can be bought not set properly in the frontend.
- Moved bootstrap datetimepicker to ATUM.
- Fixed Stock Central totalizers for products with MI enabled.
- Prevent "get_order_item_subtotal" to access items from other order types.
- Fixed bug when calculating quantities in Orders.
- Update the db for inventory order items set before this fix.
- Prevent Upgrade from running several times.
- Refactory.
- CSS fixes.
- Fixed undefined variable error.
- Fixed GeoPrompt CSS.
- Fixed inventories table creation SQL.
- Minor CSS fixes.
- Using autoprefixer when compiling SCSS to CSS.
- Text typo change.
- CSS fixes.
- Updated order type for Invenory Log items.
- Fixed stock status not updating when changing the Out of Stock Threshold.
- Fixed minimum versions checks.
- Fixed some wrong text domains.
- Fixed icons.
- CSS fixes.
- Performance improvements using cache.
- Added the max attribute to MI products' quantity input.
- Moved MI meta keys to table columns in db.
- Use Out of stock threshold as max units available for each inventory.
- Added stock status column to MI management popup in orders.
- Added unmanaged icons to order item inventories.
- Added ATUM 1.5.0 compatibility.
- Replaced image icons to ATUM icons.
- Remove region from MI management popup if not needed.
- Hide "add inventory" button when no more inventories are available to add.
- Set to 1 the minimum quantity by default when adding a product to an order when using decimals for stock.
- Fixed Regions not being saved in the right format.
- Fixed Write Off/ Un-write Off for inventories.
- Fixed PO not changing the MI stock when the status changes.
- Fixed out of stock threshold for inventories.
- Fixed product showing as "0 in stock" in front-end.
- Fixed duplicated "set purchase price" button in Purchase Orders.
- Fixed dates that cannot be removed after being set.
- Fixed stock quantities at front-end when some of the product inventories are not managing the stock.
- Added custom decimals to quantity fields.
- Prevent removing last assigned inventory to any to order line item.
- Check minimum required versions for PHP, WC and ATUM before loading.
- Hide stock quantity from inventory header for inventories with the "Manage Stock" disabled.
- Add the first available inventory item when adding Multi-Inventory products to orders.
- Fixed forum URLs.
- Fixed order line totals not being calculated properly.
- Fixed: changing stock from ATUM orders could cause deleting stock in Main Inventory.
- Fixed inventory data not being saved from Stock Central.
- Fixed: Multi-Inventory panel in ATUM order items not being deleted when deleting the associated item.
- Fixed Inventory::get_metadata to return the full array of meta when no meta_key is passed.
- Refactory.
- Fixed Inventory manage stock field was not saved properly in not main inventories.
- Use cache to improve performance.
- Added WPML compatibility.
- Fixed limit usage for multi-price item discounts.
- Refactory: code style.
- Added multi-level inheritable products multi price support when showing prices in the frontend.
- Fixed inheritable products will show price 0 when multi price is disabled.
- Fixed discounts in multi price items.
- Fixed multi price products don't include/exclude the taxes when showing the price in the frontend.
- Fixed Multi price out of stock inventories price not included when showing the price in the frontend.
- Added a privacy page field to Geo Prompt settings when using a WC version older than 3.4.0.
- Added a privacy page field to User Destination widget settings when using a WC version older than 3.4.0.
- Do not show the form confirmation checkbox if the Privacy Text field is empty.
- Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0.0.